The good news is that we got things squared away with my insurance and I will be released from the hospital on a mirinome drip tomorrow. The bad news is that My doctor doesn't want me to be on large crowds, so I won't be able to go to comikaze this year, which was the only reason I was really excited t be released in the first place. ;__; Movie theaters are apparently okay though.
Well, at least this is working towards you being able to go every year you want after this. Eyes on the prize or something.
I guess you could say that... It's just something that I was looking forward to going to since the beginning of the year, and I psyched myself up when I learned I would be released this week, having thought I wouldn't be able to attend when I fist entered the hospital.
I understand and you're pretty much justified in feeling as such. But don't let it get you down, ya know? Just let stuff like this roll off your back because it's water, just water.
Tears are also made of water... (I kid, I kid) I know I shouldn't be too disappointed. The only real sour feeling I have is that I won't be able to get any autographs for TN13 like I had promised her. My parents are trying to find a way to let me go, but I really doubt it at this point. The best I'm really hoping for is just going to see some movies this weekend.
Yeah, I know. She'll probably just yell at me for worrying too much. The theater I frequent (which has the lowest prices in the LA area) has a few good films, but I really hope that my folks will take me to one of the bigger theaters to see Dark Knight Rises.