I forgot how hard/how much I suck at DMC1 I'm good at 2 and 4, and alright at 3, but 1, dunno why i've just never been good, found it hard to flow my hits together and avoid damage alot of the time.
1 feels soooooo sloooooow after playing (and owning at) 3 and 4. I own 2 and I'm not even gonna touch it.
Why would you even play that ;~; Anyway I believe it's the transition from DMC3&4 that make DMC1 hard.
I never really got the hate for DMC2, it was the first one I played so I like it -.- I will say it's the worst of the franchise, but I still enjoy playing it. but yeah, 1 I feel you take waay to much damage, this scorpion boss in mission 3 can like 4 shot you.
Ironically I was just playing Silent Hill 3. Dat Heather. If only we could use the costume from the promos with her in short-shorts...
Funny, I just S ranked DMC4 today on HAH mode. Never bothered perfecting DMC 1 or 2 though and I came pretty damn close to it with 3. Also **** THESE THINGS!
There we go, DMC1 completed in one sitting, also my first time beating it, Yay for me. Nero makes those guys cake, that Devil bringer, so much fun.