Going on vacation~

Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Stardust, Nov 22, 2010.

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  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Hey guys, this is a few days early but I know I'll forget if I don't do it right away, so here it is.

    On Wednesday I'm going out of state on a Thanksgiving holiday trip to see some family <: . I should be back on Saturday, weather permitting.

    I love you guys; don't miss me too much <3. I should have internet access where I'm going but honestly I probably won't get online much if at all, there's lots to do while I'm there.

    Take care everyone 8D. ~
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Not a very good mod, are we? Already abandoning your section. :p

    Hopefully your family reunions are the fun sort, and not the depressing kind.
  3. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Heyy, I'll have you know I organized the heck out of the literature section before I left! xD

    But thanks, I'm going home today. Had a great time. <:

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