2 great games on a single disc with added trophy support? I now have a reason to sell my old copies and get this.
Oh hell. Do want. I love the GoW games. Since I don't have the two games anymore, I'd love to play them again (Plus Trophy Support...) before GoWIII is released.
Remastered version of a series eh...when this pans out, I wonder if they might consider the same thing with KH or FFX. I will be getting this.
This is good news for me since I missed out on getting them the first time around so i'll probably be buying this depending on other circumstances.
Since I have God of War II but not one (yes, I know that's weird) I'll deffinately buy this. The HD graphics and trophy support is a plus. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus would also be great when the Last Guardian comes out.
This is great, i only rented the game so far and i loved it the only reason i stopped playing it is because it freezes So this is pretty wicked
this is actually awesome, i might get it even though i already have both well, i found that when i go to Gamestop they have never once carded me (even when i WAS underaged) mine freezes too, it's strange because it was new, and it also glitched up quite a few times (like falling through floors and stuff like that), don't know if that's an issue with the actual game. i also like the idea of the smoother graphics.
the glitching never happened to me it just that after i got done killing the sirens the save point never got to the point of saving