Definitely should. For Sony's press conference we should expect Killzone, Resistance, infamous, Socom, and god of war. I'd bet money on it. I'd also bet on Microsoft having gears of war 2(duh), halo wars 2, left 4 dead(HAHA!), splinter cell 5, and then realize how f*cked they are because those game didn't take up enough time.
Doubt it's 2008, we should excpect it to come out around 2009, though they should have it at E3, supposedly 8 Days is supposed to have the best graphics on the PS3 yet and is better than Killzone 2.
Oh my gawd dude I'm so hopeless. I've beat God of War on all diffucalitys and I havn't even played God of War II. Shame on me.