._. I'm so tired and worn out and just. UGH. In a general mood to complain, I suppose. A very close friend of mine is pissed at me because I asked for a roleplay. a. f-ing. roleplay. *facedesk* Also, my dad is pissy because I needed money since I'm going to Six Flags tomorrow. I also don't know if the girl I'm going with is going to show or not, so I may be walking around all day by myself, or hanging out with a group of people who don't like me. And every joint in my body aches. OH. And on top of it all, I have a shitload of artwork due for comissions next week, and I don't feel like even attempting to start any of them because I can't feel my spine. ._. /end rant
sounds like you should get away from irritated people, and just chill. pluses to this would be: -no angry father cuz he keeps money. -no worries about the girl. tell her you need relaxation. -no peopole who will treat you like dirt. -sleep and t.v. all day. if you need R&R than get some.