god existing vs god not existing

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Nuff' Said, Apr 4, 2009.

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  1. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    From my own expiriences and what i've read i would probably say god is actually is not real. if you look back before adam and eve were around and when i mean by that i mean read a couple b.c. history books you would know that the snake at eden that was considered satan but was actually a god of another religion. this religion was around before christianity. so how could lucifer been around before the two people. from what i've read lucifer was once a what you could call a resident of heaven until he rebelled against god. there would have to have been human life before adam and eve. god banished him and his followers to hell which started the actual religion.

    i am not an atheist. i just hope he gets sent to hell by jesus for what he has done to my life.
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    No proof. Miracles don't happen like they used to.
  3. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Lucifer was an angel banished from heaven because he rebelled against God. There was no human life before adam and eve. He then shapeshifted himself into the serpent of eden, who approached adam and eve, the first couple. Christianity didn't start until Jesus was crucified. Before then, It was just people who believed in god. God exists but many people don't realise this because he doesn't appear as a person, and miracles do happen everyday, just not as dramatically as back then. Bottom line-God exists.

    Who do you want banished to hell???
  4. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    I don't really think I believe in one anymore. If anything I'd believe he caused the Big Bang and just disappeared afterwards.
  5. nightmareman37 Moogle Assistant

    Mar 30, 2009
    in your mind
    I do not not believe in god but believe it could be possible.
  6. Ryan Finesse Destiny Islands Resident

    If you think back, the stories they tell about Adam and Eve aren't acurate because the disciples who wrote the bible only could find out what they can by continuing stories. The story of Adam and Eve is false and true.
    There is no Jesus to perform such miracles on earth anymore. He gave us the entrance to heaven because he sacrificed himself, now that is a true miracle.
    Very true. I support you. Yeah, who do you want to banish to hell?!
    I did, then I did, then I didn't. Jesus once said, blessed are those who did not see and have believed.
    Possible, alright. The bible, as a fact, was made in a couple hundred years. But does that mean that somebody couldve made it up? No, because there is the tomb where Jesus lay. People found that... a couple years ago.
    People have many ideas that God doesn't exist, creating theories and other things like that, because all they're showing is the lack of precise and exact information that God exists. The bible was created by Jesus's disciples, meaning it couldn't be exactly accurate, not by God, which is completely accurate. Probably, in Jesus's lifetime, Jesus gave the stories in the bible to the Disciples. Meaning, The disciples could have not good memory of everything, OR the bible was altered over the years to make it more 'clean' as one person did say. Some things weren't mentioned in the bible, and people are making ideas that there is no God, because, as I said, Its not made by God.
    The choice to believe or not is up to you.I believe.
  7. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    If, IF, there is a God, he left after the Big Bang. Everything else that has happened through the entire history of time, has happened by natural means. And don't quote the Bible's "miracles" to me - one source in one book is not proof. The ONLY unexplainable event in the TRUE history of the universe so far is the Big Bang, because the laws of physics break down as we look closer to it. (We can look backwards in time as we look farther in space, because the two are linked. If you want me to explain more, tell me, because I don't feel like typing it all out.) Adam and Eve has been completely disproven by the fossils of Australopithecenes and early Homo species (not homo in the sexual sense, Homo in the taxonomic sense). If Adam and Eve were the first intelligent beings, sprung full-grown form the earth, as fully modern humans, explain the skeleton of Lucy, the Australopithecus Afarensis found in Africa in the late 60s. Or all the thousands of pre-human skeletons found AROUND THE WORLD dating from about 6 million years ago on.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Lucifer isn't even the name of Satan. It just means "lunar star" of some kind. But anyway, that isn't the discussion.

    I think God does exist. But not in the same context taught in established religion or theology in general. I find myself to be a pretty religious person, but I don't think there's a man who dictates and creates reality. Rather, the God "force" (not person) is always present. When people said "God is everywhere," they simply meant everything is always possible in the sense that all reactions are possible, produced by us or by others and our environments.

    At the same time, God doesn't exist. There is no man in a "heaven." Heaven to me is simply someplace better than here; and these days, sometimes anything is better than how the world is now.

    So to sum it up, yes, I think God exists. But not as a figure, rather, but as a force... like a fundamental law of reality for everything. That's what I've come to know so far, anyway.
  9. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    The existence of a god is only supported by faith, and you can't quantify, measure, or examine it. Faith proves nothing; what you believe is what you believe. Citing all your happy, lovey-dovey ideas about how miracles continue to exist is just a foolish way of trying to make sense of the probability and chance of the universe. It's okay to have faith and believe, but don't assume something has intervened on part of your puny, insignificant life.

    Furthermore, what, if any, real difference is there between a god and the Big Bang?
  10. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    What I meant about that was that the Big Bang is pretty much the only thing not yet explained by modern science, since all the natural laws seem to break down more the closer you get to it.
  11. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Nothing is ever fully explained by modern science. If it was, there'd be no need to continue research.

    Furthermore, what I was getting at was that you're operating under the assumptions that (a) that the Big Bang and God are associated, and (b) that both God and the Big Bang were purposeful in their actions.

    It's perfectly possible that the Big Bang was simply the Big Bang and that there was no God to begin with. The Big Bang alone can be considered a high enough power to be the sole creator of all existence in the universe. Additionally, there's nothing to say that either the Big Bang or God were purposeful in the act of creating life. Who's to say that either "knew" what they were doing, or cared about the aftermath.
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    A god is supposed to judge and intervene; his role is said to encompass more than creation alone.
  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Please see my previous post.
  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Actually, I was saying that IF there was a God, the only place he would be necessary would be at the Big Bang, since, to this date, we don't really know what caused it. I do not believe in any god whatsoever. I do not believe there is now, nor ever has been, nor ever will be a god.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Done now. Sorry, bad habit of mine.
  16. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    I believe God does exist. Besides, in the Big Bang theory they say "First, there was nothing. Then there was gas...ect." Well...if there was nothing first, then where'd the gas COME from? and also, over time, scientific law states that things should become more CHAOTIC not orderly. That's the only explaination. If we were any farther or closer to the sun, the tides wouldn't come in, or everything would be dessert, or everything would be tundra. The world was MADE by God, not by some Big Bang.
  17. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Actually, the Big Bang doesn't say that there was nothing first. The Big Bang theory speaks of an expansion of the universe, not of a creation out of thin air.

    Furthermore, if something can't just "be there" from the beginning, then where did God come from?

    And last but not least, I love how some Christians emphasize that the Big Bang is just a theory while the existence of God is nothing more than that either.

    Simplistic atoms were the first to be formed, then the first molecules came into play, which bound to form the first polymers etc. However these older forms still exist. I ask of thee what is more chaotic: a homogenous environment or a heterogenous one?
    I swear if ignorance were money you could buy the Statue Of Liberty.
    And of course, the fact that our planet is a viable one automatically makes the existence of a supercreature that somehow took care of that undeniable. :)
    Secondly, since the Big Bang hypothesis doesn't scientifically suffice for you I suppose you have a perfectly plausible explanation of how God made the world exactly.

    So yeah. I'd start paying attention in Science class if I were you. You wouldn't want to make a complete dimwit out of yourself again. ;)
  18. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie


    I'm home-schooled, by the by. And, I'm not a dimwit. Where's your proof that God doesn't exist? I do pay attention in science, and-- I ment that in the universe, those few atoms couldn't have become elements for creating land, or life. (And, that whole "lightening struck many times and caused life" yeah, well, that experiment was proven FALSE.)
  19. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    As I said, the laws of physics break down in the Big Bang, including le laws of Entropy. And yes, things are steadily breaking down - getting more chaotic, if you will. Ever since the Big Bang, the universe has been slowly dying, but because of the vast time-scale involved, we can't see it. Yes, new stars and star systems are born, but in doing so, they use up more and more of the universe's raw material. Yes, we are in just the right position in our solar system to sustain our kind of life, but that is just a coincidence.

    This planet is in basically our exact same situation, with an older star. It is in the habitable zone, may contain water, and, if it does, it may even contain life.

    Besides, not all life has to be carbon-based, oxygen-breathing, water-dependent, like ours. There could be silicon-based life, adapted to breathe cyanide, on another planet somewhere. Or space-based bacteria, adapted for the near-vacuum that is deep space - some even say that that is where Earth life came from (I doubt it, though).

    Not all planets have to have tides, either. Not all planets have to have moons, or water, or even air, and yet there may be life there. The universe does not have to be made by any supreme being. It could have just... come into existence. Here, I'll give you my personal theory:

    The universe is said to die in one of 3 ways - either it will continue to expand, and all the stars will die one by one, or it will reach a state of balance, and all the stars will die, or it will collapse in on itself, and condense into... something. Now, suppose, just suppose, that there was a universe before this one, and that that universe contracted when it died. What would it become? I think... the Big Bang. Now, where that one came from, I can't begin to guess. Maybe it operated on a different set of physical laws (quite likely). Maybe there was a God of that universe, but he is no longer active, or no longer ABLE to be active, in this one. Maybe the inhabitants of that universe were powerful and knowledgeable enough to be like Gods themselves. Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Whatever it was like, I think it gave birth, so to speak, to our own universe. Not a god, not anything supernatural, just the death of a former universe. I may be wrong, but it's what makes the most sense to me.

    Do you have millions of years to strike lightning into a bottle? Maybe what happened was a freak accident - lightning striking at just the right place, with just the right mix of chemicals, at just the right time. It took millions of years to happen. It's the same as the argument about an infinite number of monkeys eventually typing out Shakespeare's collected works - it'll happen, if you give it enough time. Unfortunately, we humans, as a result of our biological bodies, can't see more than a century ahead, at most. Most of us can't even see past our own lifetimes - hence the condition of the world today.
  20. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It is called the Anthropic Principle, read up on it. It states that the reason everything seems so perfect and suited to human life is because the universe has created human life. If things had not been so perfect (not that they are exactly perfect, but you know what I mean) then we would never have appeared and never would have cared (or been there to notice) that things are not perfect. Really quite simple, and just goes to show that just because an occurrence is rare does not automatically make it impossible or a "miracle".

    Also, the argument "Where is your proof that god does not exist?" is ******ed. Plain stupid. The onus is on the supporter of the theory to provide evidence. YOU have to prove to us (with evidence, and no the Bible or other "holy" texts do not count unless they have a valid source. To date I know of no such text) that god exists, it is not our responsibility to prove with evidence that it does not exist. Not that it wouldn't be difficult, I do it on a daily basis ;D

    As childofturin as already said (and I have touched on in this post) extreme odds do not stop something happening. As long as the probability is above 0 then, given enough time, it WILL happen. In the case of life arising it only has to happen the once as it has here on earth.
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