It's a battle of wills. Whoever removes the quote first loses. And I don't intend on removing this quote any time soon. B|
Nothing Much... EXCEPT IM A MOD ON A KINGDOM HEARTS FAN SITE! ... You're on. ._______________________________. I see you.
Psssh you'd so make me win right? :lolface: ._____________________________________________________. No you don't. I have a longer face I win.
Oh, so now this is a long face contest? Your move, female who emerged from Harriet's vagina due to my actions approximately nine months before the fact. *Makes babies* How does this work exactly?
What? But I don't believe in working. I usually just let the government send me free money in the mail, but it's only enough to buy a few cans of cat food. It's cool though, by next month I should be able to afford the fancy cat food. Well I could, but that would require me to abuse my powers. ... Plus I'd have to obtain the ability to edit people's profiles to begin with.
Lucy. From Narnia. My friend and I sat there in the theater and could not stop laughing really loudly every time we saw her face. We were like "It's so long >:" We almost got thrown out of the theater. /xaalestory I win yes?
Well everyone loves Xaale stories... Erm, does the fact that she looks like a brunette and much less cute version of Harriet's niece Lucy do anything for me?