This is a book in the form of a diary where a girl, 15 years old gets accidentally hooked on drugs and casual sex. The ending is good, but an editors note informs that the girl dies three weeks later. Has anyone read this? It is the saddest book I've ever read.
Ouch. Sounds pretty sad. lol I haven't read it but maybe I'll go cover hunting for that one at my school's library.
Actually the author is Beatrice Sparks. She use the Anonymous title for some books for some weird reason. Anyways, I remember my friend telling me about this once. Im gonna totally go get this one :D
It was a difficult book to read, and it's Anonymous because the parents, I guess wished it that way. They cut out alot of things. But it was really sad, I cried at the end it was so sad. She was such a lucky girl at times. And I wished she had another diary after the other 2 she had. And like yeah, I wonder how Joel took it?
Hm. I think that book kept her sane, but in the end she died. *snorffle* I could hardly read it to the end.
I got this book yesterday and finished it today. It's so depressing, but I went through the whole book knowing she was going to die (my friend told me) so it just made it worse. The poor girl reminded me of me at times--feeling like a misfit among her siblings, having a younger sibling that didn't argue with parents much, etc. The awful part is that she didn't even know she had tried LSD until afterwards, and at the end she hadn't done any drugs since the Youth Center. Then she just died. Hey, does anyone know why it was titled "Go Ask Alice"?