So in preparation (and procrastination) of my next AMV project I wanted to use pcsx2 to record my own videos for the sake of increased quality and the coded removal of subtitles. PCSX2 does a nice job of video capturing into AVI except for a few points where I assume the plug-in is struggling and it duplicates a frame. I got GAP (GIMP Animation Package) to remove the duplicated frames while remaining in a high image quality. Problem being it won't load it up properly. I can get media players to play it back (albeit with lag) but GAP makes every single frame solid green (008800). Spoiler: frame example Loading any other video I can find works (including other AVIs), but it doesn't seem to like anything coming from PCSX2. I'm really at a loss here. I've tried all forms of encryption PCSX2 offers to me (including unencrypted); varying video lengths, sizes, and frame rates; editing extraction options in GAP. I just can't seem to change the result any.