My avatar is an animated GIF, and the animation part doesn't seem to be working. It's an uploaded image.
You've gotta make sure it meets the size requirements before uploading it, otherwise it won't animate... Annoying I know, but simple to fix :D
The .GIF is probably too large in file size, so ony the first fram is shown. Try shrinking it or (more effectively) decreasing the number of frames by making another .GIF. Try Google searching AVI to GIF.
Searching AVI to GIF comes up woth alot of ads for convertors. Errr... Is there an easier way to reduce the size?
You could cut out every other frame. It would make it less smooth but it would shrink its size down by half.
I'm somewhat sure GIFs will not work for regular members. I could be wrong though. Otherwise, crop it down to a size that is under 100 x 100 if it is over that size.
no gifs work for regular members, look at my brother, Dante lol. Try using photobucket instead of uploading it.