ZootFLY has developed a Ghostbusters game for the 360, based on the 1984 Classic Comedy and click the below adress to see a YouTube gameplay teaser. The only problem... they haven't gor permission to make it by copywrite owner Sony Pictures. I work in the bootleg department of Sony Pictures, located on the sony lot in L.A. and I had the priveledge of taking a butload of leaked trailers for the game off of YouTube. Personally, i'd be REALLY pleased if Sony lets them in the end, but most likely Sony wants it on the PS3 as well. Earlier today it was announced that Sony sold over rights to the video game of Ghostbusters to Universal Studios. There is still one trailer that I never removed from YouTube though, and this is it. Ghostbusters (Xbox360)
Gameplay looks a lot like Gears of War and Bullet Witch mixed together. I'm interested. Hopefully this game will be passed and released soon. xD