Ghost Hunt

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Aug 23, 2008.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Note: This is based off of the anime seris 'Ghost Hunt'. You don't have to watch the anime to understand this since everything will be explained along the way but it would be best if you seen it.

    Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) is an organization headed by Shibuya "Naru" Kazuya that studies psychic phenomena. They undertake the thorough scientific investigation of any and all psychic phenomena as requested by their clients.

    One day, Taniyama Mai, a high school student, accidentally injures Rin, an assistant to Naru. She begins as a substitute for Lin, and from then continues to work part-time at the SPR.

    Ghosts, spirits, curses…

    Follow the adventures of the members of the SPR as they team up with psychics such as the monk Takigawa Hoshi, John Brown the exorcist, Hara Masako the medium, and Matsuzaki Ayako the shrine maiden, to solve numerous horror mysteries.
    After the anime ended the people who helped Naru out started to be seen less and less and then new people asked to join the SPR and Naru got the help of some other paranormal reachers, etc.



    The Stranger - Details was yet to be heard


    Height: (opintional)
    Played By:

    Existing characters are listed below. I would perfer if someone how watched the anime would take them but they are open to use. Once we have a Lin-san and Naru-chan we'll start

    (It was hard to find the pics so just deal with what I got. Information on these characters can be found on wiki. Naru, Mai, Lin and maybe Osamu will be the only ones to appear frenqtly through out this rp)

    Name: Mai Taniyama
    Age: 16
    Born: 3 July
    Height: 155 CM
    History: A orphan and first year high school student who temporarily fills in as an assistant for SPR to repay her debt when she accidentally injurs Naru's regular assistant, Lin, and breaks a camera that was being used in an investigation of an old building at Mai's school (It is later revealed that the camera was covered by insurance, and the reason for her employment is unknown). After the conclusion of the first case, she is offered a regular part-time position for SPR and acts as an office and on-case assistant for SPR after developing an interest in the handsome boss of SPR, Shibuya Kazuya who she nicknames Naru for his narcissism. She openly dislikes Naru for his egotistical attitude and often argues with him, but harbors romantic feelings for him as well. She believes that her attraction to him manifests in her dreams as he often appears in them smiling and supporting her. It should be noted that both her parents have died: her father when she was little, and her mother when she was in middle school. Mai was taken in by a teacher who helped her through those years, yet when she reveals this late in the series, she is living alone and supporting herself through her wages at SPR.
    Abilities: Naru determines that she has ESP abilities through a test (although she does the complete opposite of what she is told to do: instead of predicting which light would light up, she predicts which wouldn't, and has a miss rate of 1000/1000). Naru refers to her abilities as "latent sensitivity", which include her dreams acting as a form of precognition and her seeming clairvoyance, akin to an animal's ability to instinctively detect danger. In recent episodes, Mai has also experienced "out of body" movement, when she gives the key to her old home to Masako while she is dreaming. Whenever she is having these dreams, it seems that Naru was always there to guide her.
    Personality: She is very caring towards others and her facial expression shows how she is feeling or in other words she's easy to read
    Job: Part time work for SPR
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Kazuya Shibuya
    Age: 17
    Born: 19 September
    Height: 175 CM
    History: A paranormal researcher and the handsome 17 year-old president of the SPR, Shibuya Psychic Research. His nickname "Naru" is short for "narcissist", given to him by Mai. Contrary to the other characters, he does not appear to possess any kind of spiritual power, and must count on his companions' abilities and his own intellect and knowledge to solve the cases they investigate. He and Mai apparently share a close relationship as she is the only girl he addresses by given name, unlike Ayako (Matsuzaki-san) and Masako (Hara-san), resulting in the latter becoming jealous of Mai. When Mai notices that Naru treats her differently from their friends, she becomes angry and confronts him; Naru only smiles to indicate she is special to him. It is uncertain if he likes Mai romantically.
    Abilities: Naru is an extremely powerful psychic, but using it takes a toll on his body because it is difficult to control and can only be used as raw power.
    Personality: He is sharp and extremely intelligent, but very much a he has been nicknamed "Naru" (Short for narcissist). He acts cold and bossy around the others but the truth is he cares about them.
    Job: President of SPR
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: robert the yogurt

    Name: Lin Koujo
    Age: I have no idea...sorry
    Born: 11 January
    Blood Type: A
    Height: 194 CM
    History: Originally from Hong Kong. He seems to get most of the unpleasant jobs, and works through the night. He acts as Naru's guardian to help him find his brother. It is revealed that the three are childhood friends. Lin says he dislikes Japanese people because of the past conflicts Japan has had with China. At one time, he told this to Mai and she told him that he should forget the past to move on and if he should hate her, it should be because he hates her as an individual. At this, he stated that a long time ago, someone told him the exact same words. In the novel, it is revealed that this person was Gene.
    Abilities: He appears to be an onmyoji and has a wide range of paranormal skills from exorcism to summoning spirit familiars.
    Personality: calm and taciturn assistant who rarely speaks more than he needs to
    Job: Naru's assistant
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:

    Name: Houshou Takigawa
    Age: 25
    Born: 22 February
    Blood Type: 0
    Height: 185 CM
    History: A 25 year old hakkaisou, a Buddhist monk who has left his position, who studied in Mt. Koya. He claims that he left Mt. Koya because they did not allow music CDs. His full-time profession is a bass musician in a popular band. He usually acts as a brotherly figure to Mai, but does ask Mai out on a date when she becomes jealous of Naru going on a date with Masako at the end of episode 11. He is one of the more powerful and effective members of the group and acts as leader in Naru's absence, as seen in the Cursed House File. The other members of SPR refer to him casually as "Bou-san" (Monk-san).
    It is revealed in the novels that he actually has a diver's licence but has never used it, not even once.
    Abilities: Exorrism and denfensive spells
    Personality: Funny at times, caring
    Job: Bass player in a popular band and part time monk
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:

    Name: Ayako Matsuzaki
    Age: 23
    Born: 7 June
    Blood Type: B
    Height: 167 CM
    History: An old outspoken, self-styled Shinto miko, or priestess, because she was not raised in a shrine and is actually the daughter of a wealthy doctor who owns a community hospital. She is confident and proud of her abilities, though her attempts to demonstrate them have almost always fallen short. To her credit, she did teach Mai some defensive sutras, particularly the Shinto Kuji exorcism incantation, "Rin pyou tou sha kai jin retsu sai zen". It is later revealed that she is actually just as strong as Bou-san, but apparently only works well under certain conditions and is capable of hearing the spirits of trees. A running joke is that at the beginning of a new case, Ayako usually claims the incident is caused by an elemental earth spirit. She has also shown an interest in Naru, though he frequently rebuffs her with dry remarks concerning her age. Later in the story, she develops somewhat of an 'older sister' relationship to Mai.
    Abilities: Exorcism and hears spirits in trees
    Personality: Tries to be serious but fails at times. A know it all sometimes as well but is kind
    Job: Shinto miko
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:

    Name: John Brown
    Born: 5 January
    Age: 19
    Height: 162 CM
    History: A caucasian Catholic priest from Australia who learned to speak Japanese with a Kansai accent, thus giving his sentences a rather odd, humorous structure.
    Abilities: His means of exorcism is spraying holy water while reciting the first passage of John from the New Testament of the Bible.
    Personality: Good-natured and helpful, he helps Mai and Naru however he can.
    Job: Catholic priest
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:

    Name: Masako Hara
    Born: 24 July
    Age: 16
    Height: 152 CM
    History: A spirit medium with a popular television show and the ability to speak to the dead, Masako is a 16 year old girl who resembles a Japanese doll because she is always wearing a kimono, even while sleeping. She has romantic feelings towards Naru and is jealous of how casual and free Naru is when dealing with Mai. This initially causes friction between Masako and Mai, as she views Mai as a rival; however, after Mai saves her in the Blood-stained Labyrinth File, they reach a shaky truce. In the novels, it is revealed that Masako knows of Naru's true identity and his psychic powers and has used that secret to extract favors out of Naru himself, despite his reticence to participate in social events.
    Abilities: medium, senses spirits
    Personality: clam and jealous of Mai
    Job: Famous TV medium
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Larxene_43

    Name:Osamu Yasuhara
    Born: 1 March
    Age: Around Mai's and Naru's age....Sorry
    Height: 177 CM
    History: A 3rd year top-ranked high school student and president of his school's student council. Yasuhara first appears as a client of SPR as a result of unexplainable phenomena occuring at his school during "File 6". After the case is solved, he continues to help out SPR in what ever ways he can, such as impersonating Kazuya Shibuya at the request of Naru and performing background research off-site while the others are on a case. He has no psychic powers of his own, but his sharp mind and work efficiency make him a good support to the team. He has a wry sense of humor and is unafraid to poke fun at the different members of the team, often making homosexual remarks to Bou-san. He is planning to attend university and has been accepted to Tokyo University after passing his entrance exams.
    Abilities: None
    Personality: sharp mind and work efficiency, wry sense of humor and is unafraid to poke fun at the different members of the team, often making homosexual remarks to Bou-san
    Job: None (If someone plays at him you can make him part time worker for SPR)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:

  2. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Can I be Naru please?
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Of course you can.

    I didn't think anyone else watched Ghost Hunt D:
  4. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Can i have....Masako? =]
  5. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    I'm going to start watching ghost hunt but I've read a few of the manga volumes. Thanks
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Yes you may ^^ I'll add you now.

    No problem
  7. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Does anyone want to make a file for them to work on? I have pently of files but anyone can make one through out the rp and if no one has one now then I'll use one of mine and we'll start as soon as we have Lin (who I'll play as if no one takes him)
  9. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Ok well ill just roll with what i get =D
  10. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    My imagination isn't going very far so if you could give us a file? Unless of course anybody else interested in joining would make one.
  11. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc okay I'll post a file in the first post as for now they can be at the HQ just talking and stuff. It'll be early morning New Year's, m'kay?
  13. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    ooc- Okay fine with me =]
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc okay then the name of the file is posted and I just need someone to post after me then I'll post in character with the person asking for help
  15. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Okay thats fine just out of interest whatever the case is are all the people at the area of the psycic phenonama free for everypne to use? For example a school would the kids be free for all characters?
  16. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    yeah that's fine

    Mai arrived at the SPR building early as always and looked around to see if Naru or Lin was around
  18. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    OOC- Ill just make my person start walking to the News Station. x3

    Masako walked down the street to the News Station where her job is.
  19. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    "Good morning Mai."Naru said simply"May I ask why you are always so early?"Naru asked.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "Well I like the morning. Want some tea or coffee?"
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