Well , i wasn't sure where to post this thread. So i thought I'd post it here , if it isn't supposed to be here , Feel free to move it. BUT! my problem (as the title would say) Is Arachnophobia. I don't really know how it started and i don't know why. I never had any traumatic events when i was in my child hood that was related to spiders. In fact , when i was a child. I used to love exploring my garden for insects. Ironically , when i began to fear spiders.I still seemed to love watching spider man. What got me to post this thread is that , a number of spiders have been showing up in my house. It began yesterday , and only today did a spider come crawling past a wall behind my head , i saw it in the corner of my eye and jumped out of my bed. My mom killed it only , 5 minutes ago from me typing this thread up. Now , i realized that i should really try to get over this Phobia of spiders.I mean , I'm terrified of small spiders. But I've seen a tarantula in real life , and it didn't seem to bother it , it was actually somewhat , interesting. But it's the small spiders that bother me and I'm getting a bit , annoyed at my large fear of spiders. My mom is getting annoyed by it too , ever since yesterday , I've been paranoid over spiders and now i can't stop thinking about it and getting scared. I'm not sure what i can do to get over it. Can any of you help me out here at KH-vids?
Well like any phobia, the best thing you can do is just try and accept the fact that spiders exist and they will get into your house at times. As for what you can do to put your mind at ease: check all open area's of your room (obviously you can't help that they might be getting in through your bedroom door, so forget about that one). Windows, tiny holes in the trimming of your walls (by the floor), and even your closet. This probably won't help you, but having a fear of spiders is really pointless, because tiny spiders are known to crawl in our orifices throughout the year. Not a lot, but enough to be an obscure little fact. lol Between 2-6 I think. But do you die from this? No, because I'm certain if there was a deadly spider somewhere near your house, it has better things to do than attack people. :)
It's okay, I suffer the same problem. My fear came about from a nightmare I once had, there were these spiders and their webs surrounding my head and it was hard to get rid of them. So everytime I see a spider I am reminded of the horrible feeling I felt when I had that dream. Any type of spider, small ones, large ones, just the shape of them freaks me out terrifically. Before hand I wasn't at all sscared of them, in fact I was one of those people who could pick one up and put it out the window with little fuss but now that's all changed. As for a way to get over it, I would say you should just spend some time with them, like when you see one in your room, don't scream or run away, just watch it for a bit, if you can catch it then just look at it. Keep doing this and you should get used to them again, it'll remind your mind that there is nothing to fear. It'll be hard at first but if you are serious about getting over the fear then that's what you should do.
I will have to try this , my mom cleans the house everyday from top to bottom so rarely spiders do come around , but when one does actually show up , I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for the methods , both of you.
I have the same thing, but with bees, mostly because I stepped on a wasp once when I was younger when my mom and I were living with my aunt (we had just come from Mexico). It's not as bad now, but it's still there somewhat. Anyway, in order to try and get over it, you need to accept you have a fear. Once you do that, talk to your friends and parents about your fear and ask if they have the same or similar fears and what they did to get over them.
I kind of have a more insect fear. But spiders are a large part of it. The only thing though is that I'm more scared when I don't see the bug coming and then it's on top of me. That's my fear. I live in a basement so I'm prone to bugs being there but we have this little device (I don't know what it is) but you plug it in to an outlet and it apparently repels insects from the room. While this won't exactly help you combat your phobia it will help within your house.
I have the same fear, except with insects in general. One way to get over your fear is to study about them, assure yourself they won't do anything, and then ask mom, dad, relatives, friends etc. about how they got over their fears.
I don't really know how to help you, since I have a couple of phobias myself that I never have gotten over. Which are a fear of repeating natural patters, and a fear of scissors and blades. I have to look away when looking at a swarm of ants criss-crossing each other. I also have to force myself to sit still and not tremble every time I get a haircut. I understand that these fears are totally irrational. I know that pattern that the ants are making is not going to hurt me, I know (hopefully) that that blade is not going to cut through the back of my neck. But yet I still look away, and I don't shave. But I know I'm just have to live with it and that I'm going to have to run into these things regularly. Phobias are formed to help people survive, to avoid dangers. But house spiders are harmless to humans. The only advice I can think to give you is to constantly tell yourself so, even if you already know it. This is actually an urban myth.
I also have a horrible fear of spiders...Bleh. The way I get over this at times is to just remind myself that there will ALWAYS be spiders around. I'll also try out these other tactics, they sound like they could work very well...
Welll... I dont have a fear of spiders (I honestly think theyre rather cute) but I suppose I can see why lots of people do. Anyways,my advice would be to just try and tell yourself that yes,they are around a lot...but mostly they are rather harmless,and only "attack" if provoked. But also,spend some time with them. They are lovely to talk to :3
Is it an urban myth that we eat about 3 spiders in our life time of something? I know my sister has a fear of insects crawling in her ears while she sleeps, that's not an urban myth. People always tell me, "They're more scared of you then you are of it." or "They can't harm you." But it's not the fact they harm you that is the problem, for me it's jus a psychological fear that reminds me of a horrible feeling. But, spending time with the damn things is probably the best way out :.-.:
Arachnophobia . . . well at least your down to a single thing -_- I have basically insectophobia . . . I am easily frightened by any bug. There is no real way to get over it, honestly. Unless you go through some life changing event in which you find spiders aren't that dangerous or whatever then you will more than likely still have the fear no matter what. The best thing you can do is try to tie it in the back of your mind, just don't worry about it. Unless you see something like a black widow then you probably won't die . . . there are others but only out in the wilderness. Unless it starts affecting your life to the point it's harming you . . . it's not much to worry about. There are millions of people who have fears just like you so all I can say is it's normal to have one or two fears. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."- FDR