So... I need some advice/support/venting out. Today I come back from my Service Learning Project and it's all a great experience and what not. I then have to go to an SGA meeting to help with my club at college. But before that, I am approached by a student. He awkwardly comes up to me while I am about to sit down and asks me if I was Asian. I'm like yeah, I'm half Chinese. Then, eventually we ended up talking about anime. So, I'm thinking that it's all cool and leave for the meeting. After the meeting ends, the same guy walks into the club room, I'm thinking how did he even know where I was and asks me about the Anime Club again. He asks me for my number, just in case the location of the club changes or if I can recommend him any anime. Reluctantly, I give him the number but tell him that it's only for Anime Club purposes, since I'm an officer. I leave it at that and he exits the room. Literally ten minutes later, another guy comes up to me and also asks me if I was Asian. Weird. I say yes. I then walk away awkwardly, since it's in the middle of the hallway. He then catches up to me and tells me that I look beautiful and all that stuff. I'm shocked and say that I'm flattered but I also need to go since I'm in a hurry. I find a group of my friends up ahead and join their circle, blanketing in the security of my friends. When I leave for home, I go to my car and there's another man. He's standing near my car and comes up to me to ask me where a certain building was. I point him in a direction but then he suddenly says that he only came up to me because he thinks I'm cute. Again, I'm flattered but I try to get into my car. He keeps asking me for my number, while I'm trying to say that I'm in a hurry to get home. He offers a high five, which I unfortunately give back to him out of habit. He then suggests we do a face bump and I'm like 'Hell no.' and I close my car door. I see him leave out of the parking lot and I go straight home and into my mother's lap. Now, I'm not trying to be racist or anything, but it wasn't until after the fact that I realized that all of these men were African American. Granted, there is a high ratio of African Americans at our college but it's just a situation that rarely happens, especially for someone like me. And for the first time, I am genuinely scared to go back to college on Monday, because of this embarrassment and awkward tension. What happens when I meet them again at school? How should I try to move on? :c
I remember having a discussion in my English class last semester about harassment and women not speaking up when something makes them uncomfortable, and to me, it just seemed like one of those situations for you. In all honesty, those men might have just found you attractive and were genuinely interested in you. However, if you really do feel uncomfortable about something like this, you need to tell them. You need to speak up and say, "Hey, I'm not comfortable giving my number." or just something that pretty much says you're not comfortable. By not saying anything, the men will continue to come back and will continue to assume it's perfectly okay for them to be asking certain things from you. It's better to be heard than to stay quiet and possibly let things escalate(not saying it will but you know. These men are strangers).
Oh my gosh. That is very creepy. I am sorry this has happened to you. :( I agree with Rem. Try to gather the courage and tell them that you're uncomfortable. I know it can be hard. If they continue to do so after telling them how you feel, I would tell an authority figure at your school. When strangers ask for my number, I usually tell them flat out that I don't give it to people I don't know, regardless if they're my age or not. Maybe you could go to school with a friend on Monday, instead of going alone? Unless you already do, then keep doing it. I hope you'll be safe.
I actually only gave my number to the first guy, but really only for club purposes. If he calls me or texts me for something other than for that, I'll just remind him about that. I didn't give my number to any of the other guys, fortunately. I am usually careful about these things when giving numbers, but I used to have an enourmous habit of being too nice to people. I've learned the hard way about that, but since I was coming from a very manual-labor-like project, I suppose I wasn't as alert as I should have been. I must say, after sleeping like a log (which rarely happens), I feel much better about the situation. It is what it is and whatever happens, happens.
honestly, these ****** bags just seem like a bunch of creepers. you shouldn't feel awkward about this situation at all. although i understand how it could be awkward making eye contact with them, being near them again etc. all you can really do is repeat the same process over and over again til those DA's get the hint.