I was up until 7:00 AM working on a project for art, so after class I came back and took a nap, something I haven't done in a long time. I dreamed that everyone on khv was yelling at me because I like waffles and not pancakes, and then everyone said that I wasn't worthy of being a part of this site and came after me. ........I'm concerned for my sanity. GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU GUYS!!! AND WAFFLES RULE!!! >_<
Oh god, that discussion thread inspired that, right? xD I HOPE I WASN'T YELLING BECAUSE WAFFLES > PANCAKES.
Hahahah yes it was. I don't remember specifically who was yelling (the details have slipped my mind now that I'm awake) but I do remember that it was basically the entire population of khv... even the ones who I thought liked waffles!! D: It was sad... AND YES THEY ARE!