We were having a casual discussion about epics, specifically movies, and some dumb girl said Twilight was an epic. Unless I have been COMPLETELY off base with my interpretations of Twiloght, it is not an epic, and that person should be ashamed. It's an honors class for crying out loud. You don't need to be a genius, but you at least need to not be stupid.
Actually, I saw the last movie (cause I like seeing things before judging them) and the final fight scene was kind of epic. Many things happened. But that's pretty much the only epic thing in the movie and/or entire franchise.
Do you know what an epic is? If I show you a yellow piece of paper and you say "I think that piece of paper is purple," and I then say "you're wrong," is that the same thing as disrespecting your opinion? no. You can thank a society that has almost completely turned it's back on grammatical integrity for warping your view of what the word "epic" is and means.[DOUBLEPOST=1360011421][/DOUBLEPOST]before anything else happens, I want to make sure we're all on the same page. Epic is a genre in literature, for all intents and purposes in this situation and setting, it does not mean super cool.