Sweet baby jesus Valium, your smudging is like sex for the eyes. ;A; Only problem I have is the square, it feels out of place to me compared to the rest of the image (being all swirly and/or curvy).
Whoa, this is really pretty. The effects are nice, the colours are pretty and the text fits in well. A good blend.
I think that's the point of it, and I also think the square goes good with everything else. Anyway, nice dude. You make nice things with Photoshop. Interesting stuff.
Is it bad that I was looking at your sig more than this piec-*shot* I enjoy this, Nice visual balance and opposition. Most definitely a marvelous piece of abstract art. This looks like something someone could use for an album cover. I'd love to see more work, it seems as though you are exceedingly talented in this sort of style.
Ohhhh,that is ever so beautiful. The colours are just..gah,the smudging and the everything is just perfect. I'm in love. Lovely work my dear <3
This is very nice, I see no real faults with it. Great job! The colours are so nice/ Really bright and they go really nicely together. Also the background really helps the colours stand out more. Plus the way you made the circles collide and actually had spark effects coming out was really awesome.