Which would be a better college course to take with a lab: Geology or Physical Geography? I'm figuring out which classes I need to take after this semester and I need to take a class with a lab. The three I'm stuck on are Astrology, Geology, and Physical Geography. Geology and geography sound like earth science split into two, but I'm debating about which class will be the most fun and involve the least amount of math while still being interesting. I just need some opinions, is all. ____________________________ affiliateelite ~ affiliateelite.com ~ adgooroo ~ adgooroo.com
My own geology lessons barely involved maths. They also barely involved lab experiments. Geology wasn' t my favorite part of biology, but it wasn' t completely boring either. As for physical geography I didn' t even know what that was, I had to google it up. That' s something I never studied myself, at least not in details. It does look interesting, but it also looks like it could be loaded with maths (it relies on system studies, which are often all about maths) and I' m not sure it would involve more or funnier experiments than geology. This is all speculation though, you' d better wait for a more informed opinion, or better yet find geology 101 and physical geography 101 somewhere to get a glimpse of both.
Astrology isn't a real science. You mean Astronomy, not Astrology. ...Unless you're being serious then I'd suggest you stop going to that school. Anyways, neither Geology nor Geography would be math-oriented as neither(for intro courses at least) are based in that subject unlike Physics. Take whicher you feel would do you the most good. At such an early level there really isn't a strong advantage in picking one over the other.