It's today apparently. Normally I give "Insert Descriptor Here" Days no attention but there's a lot of ignorance going around about it. The words "geek" and "nerd" are not interchangeable. They're not mutually exclusive but they are not the same thing. General rule of thumb: A nerd is very academically inclined. A geek, loosely speaking, is very knowledgeable about something that isn't academic(or useful). "But Arch!" You say, "They're just labels. Don't get so worked up about it." To which I have the Your mom is a label. /endpointlessrant Oh and, for the sake of not making two threads, I'm getting my Bachelor's degree in math. Feel free to commit all sorts of debauchery in this thread.
Ended up taking extra classes to prep for grad school in another field. Plus I dropped my second major along the line. I am all the science.
Congrats ! Here' s one drink for you, two drinks for me, three drinks for you, four drinks for me ...