So. I took my laptop to the shop, and it turns out there's corrosion on the motherboard. Something that, obviously, the guy can't fix, and he advised me to just get a new one. I also found out today that my father has sent me $1000 dollars for graduation. Holy crap. KHV, I require assistance. I'm looking at Acer laptops right now, and they're both about the same. Laptop 1; Acer V3 571 No touch screen 4GB Ram i5 processor 15.6" screen Windows 7 ~ $390 Laptop 2; Acer W8 Ultrabook Touch screen 6GB Ram i5 processor 14" screen Windows 8 ~ $450 I'd put links, but the links are to Ebay. Both manufacturer refurbished with free shipping, and they both have great reviews on Amazon. Help a girl out? I'll be ordering the laptop tonight, so I can have it by Saturday.
I'd probs go with the first one if you like bigger screens and aren't a fan of touch screen computers.
dang windows are cheap. (well not cheap but cheaper than apple D: ) And to answer your Q, get the one with better processing and memory.
Windows 8 sucks, unless you're willing to spend a few hours downloading and modifying things. 6GB RAM isn't much more than 4GB unless you're gonna be using a lot of programs all the time.
I'd say go with the first. It has less RAM, but the laptop I have now is 4GB RAM, and I've been fine with it so far. Not too mention it's cheaper, and you really don't need a touch screen computer, especially if you want a nice clean computer screen without any finger wipes. Not too mention, Windows 8 was more designed for phones and tablets, so while it's fine on a computer, it'd probably be better sticking with something that was more designed for a computer alone
Windows 8 is awful. Just saying. Get the first one since the 2GB difference in RAM is really the only downside.
I ended up getting the first one, and it should be here by Saturday. Thanks, all. As for the Windows 8 deal, I don't care for it either, but since it is made for touch screen, I was willing to compromise since the computer was a touch screen. Ended up getting the Windows 7 one anyway, so I guess I just have to hope it lasts until Windows 9 comes out. Also, the reason they're so cheap is because they're refurbished. That thousand dollars has to last me until I can get a decent job, so I wasn't gonna spend all of it on a computer (despite how much I wanted to).