Garras and Soras roleplay!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxaspartanti, May 20, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    This is Riku_Garra...did I spell it right? And Soranspartantis ideas, here! Join this, its mine and Garras roleplay.

    okay; there's a group of kids (a large group, about 10) and they are very tight knit. they've been friends since elementary school and live in the same neighborhood. one day, one of them discovers they have the ability to shapeshift. the next day, they tell the rest of the group and it turns out the others can do it too. figuring it'll be a blast to have super powers, they ditch school and practice their newfound ability. but one of the boys in the group finds out that he can do more than the others. being a hotheaded 17 year old boy, he thinks he should be the leader of their group. but the others disagree. only three think the same way he does and they decide to go along with his ideas.
    And then its 5 years later, and then theres a war waging on, and the four leaders think they should be in power of the other's, and so, the hot headed one battles with the others, in search to destroy them or want some power to control their minds. The three that agree to the hot headed one are now his helpers, and so, this is the form for the 6, or the helpers of the hot headed one:
    1. Cuss only with *'s, but limit to little.
    2. Kill other people with their permission.
    3. Romance is allowed, but to a limit of PG 13.
    4. If have any problems, Riku_Garra or Soranspartanti will help you out.

    Age: (must be over 15)
    Side: (the hot headed ones side, only 3, or the other 6's side)
    can transform into: (one thing)

    The count: 1 person in evil side, 0 in good

    And of course the hot headed one:

    Name: ?
    Age: 22
    gender: boy
    side: The leader of the four
    can transform into: Anything
    powers: magic, transformation to anything.
    personality: hot-headed, steamy, mean, grumpy, hot-tempered, evil

    Age: 16
    gender: female
    Side: hot heads
    can transform into: crow
    personality:likes shiny things, doesn't hold back to fight, takes the side of whoever she thinks is most powerfull
  2. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Age: 16
    gender: female
    Side: hot heads
    can transform into: crow
    personality:likes shiny things, doesn't hold back to fight, takes the side of whoever she thinks is most powerfull
  3. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Alrighty your in. wait for more, advertise, I guess.
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