This is it. The ultimate gaming trivia quiz. Get ready to test your knowledge of the world of videogames, computer games and the rest of it! OK, here's the deal: I ask a question (True or False, Sleuth, General, Multiple Choice), and you have to answer it. To answer a question, you just type an answer of any length (you can also quote the question if you want). I'll keep track of things through a scoreboard, if that gives you incentive to have a go. A brief explanation of each question type: GeneralJust a regular question, like: Who created Tetris? General questions are worth 3 points. True or FalseA True or False question states something, and you have to determine if that statement is true: True or False: America's Army: Online was developed by the U.S. Army. True or False questions are worth 1 point each. Multiple ChoiceWith Multiple Choice, I'll give a question, and you need to select the correct answer from the ones given (there is no limit on how many choices I might give . . .): The PS2 was released in which year? a) 1999 b) 2002 c) 2001 d) It hasn't been released yet Multiple Choice questions are worth 2 points. SleuthThe toughest question type around. It's a "Who am I?" type of question, where I tell you what "I" am (i.e. Character, Location, Vehicle, Weapon etc.) and a few clues to help you. If there are no correct guesses and at least one person has had a go each time I come on, I'll give an extra clue: Character Very hard Salazar Sleuth questions are worth 5 points, and 1 point is deducted from a question's value for each extra clue. So, do we have the idea? Good. I'll give a practice question to start with: Multiple ChoiceWhat is Insomniac's approach to making a Ratchet & Clank game? a) Decide to release it before Christmas, recycle buggy levels, weapons etc. and rush the game onto shelves, knowing that it's bound to make a few quid b) Have every staff member and R&C fan come up with as many ideas as they possibly can, scrap the ones that won't work (e.g. overpowered weapons), and plonk every other one in without rushing it c) Not even care about the game and do anything they feel like, as long as it's finished