What do you think was the best game of this year? Vote or post if the game isn't in the poll. Yes, I included iPhone games and remakes, DEAL WITH IT.
Gonna say Halo 4. Have been having more fun on that game then any other shooter I have played. I tend to dislike them too but I am enjoying myself with this one.
Gonna agree with Libre here and say Gravity Rush. Haven't enjoyed a game like it in such a long time.
Man, this is tough. I am really infatuated with Borderlands 2. Such a fun game. And Journey was just beautiful. But The Walking Dead really is my game of the year. I never experienced such an emotional story in that way before. My actions always mattered, or at least, they always felt as if they did. And that was something that I haven't seen done well in books or any other medium before. Making the audience participate with the story rather than just be spoon-fed it.
Hard pick this one, Pokémon? Nah just kidding, probably gonna have to go with Guild Wars because of how much I love RTS.
Journey because of its beauty and minimalism. Walking Dead would come at a close second though, for having an amazing storyline (and making you cry like a baby...). Well , judging from the games out of that list anyway...
In no order as well Max Payne 3 (easily the best shooter I've played in a long time, made me fear Brazil) Scribblenauts Unlimited (I've sunk more hours into this within the first 2 days I owned it than like half my game library) The Walking Dead (this is how you do character development, player integration, freedom of choice, and many other things) Dead or Alive 5 (best story in all the games [granted it's not great], love the more realistic character designs, just plain fun) Halo 4 (I actually like the direction the art and story went with this, the Prometheans look awesome, and the multiplayer's never been better) Mass Effect 3 (putting aside the atrocious ending and lack of much real exploration, the story had intense and gripping moments, and the gameplay was the series' peak) I still have many I'd like to play, but these are the ones I did.