Story Objectives Maps NPC/EPC Exclusives Objectives are Guidelines that direct certain players or all players towards the next goal while allowing for some character development and interaction. There may be times when following objectives to the letter may yield rewards! Other times, objectives are just opportunities to respond to what's going on around your character(s). But how to tell the difference? That's where Plusle and Minun come in! Plusle will hang out around the banner when a possible reward is most likely by responding to what's going on, an Minun will lounge about when you just need to show us what you're character has to offer on a normal basis. Spoiler: Plusle Spoiler: Minun Spoiler: Font Sector Map Non-Playable Character (NPC)= A character that only Sebax can control either because they do not live at the Academy or on the island. Sebax is the controller in MOST cases. NPC's can include, but are not limited to: Villians, Visiting Trainers, Wild Pokemon, and Everybody Potential Character (EPC)= Many thanks to Eleven for compiling this list. PokAcademy Black Weedle Kakuna Beedrill Nidoran (M) Nidorino Nidoking Sandshrew Sandslash Vulpix Ninetales Meowth Persian Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebell Magmar Pinsir Ledyba Ledian Skarmory Magby Murkrow Phanpy Donphan Houndour Houndoom Lotad Lombre Ludicolo Spoink Grumpig Sableye Seviper Lunatone Shieldon Bastiodon Stunky Skuntank Honchkrow Buneary Lopunny Gible Gabite Garchomp Magmortar Gothita Gothorita Gothitelle Vullaby Mandibuzz PokAcademy White Caterpie Metapod Butterfree Paras Parasect Nidoran (F) Nidorina Nidoqueen Ekans Arbok Oddish Gloom Vileplume Mankey Primeape Growlithe Arcanine Scyther Electabuzz Spinarak Ariados Gligar Elekid Teddiursa Ursaring Mantine Seedot Nuzleaf Shiftry Mawile Zangoose Skitty Delcatty Numel Camerupt Poochyena Mightyena Solrock Cranidos Rampardos Gliscor Electivire Glameow Purugly Solosis Duosion Reuniclus Rufflet Braviary