Man I need some help thinking of ideas. Everytime I bring out a piece of paper and pencil/pen or open an art software on my computer, I just sit there staring at the screen/paper. And even if I have an idea, it runs away from me. I need some ideas!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *runs around and throws random things around (one of which is a person)*
For the computer software...look up tuts xD Or leave art for a lil while and then come back and you'll have ideas.
-is grabbed- Ok..first put me down, then, think about what you like the most. I'm the exact opposite of you, when i stid down, my hand goes right to work, and I'm done in aobut 5 minutes. After you thought for a while, write some of your ideas down on a peice of paper, then drag it out when you want to draw/make a graphic.
draw somefan art or just look at stuff or listen to music that envokes this big fight scene in your head or sumthin like that
How about drawing some fanart? Draw Sora in a bunny suit! xD jkjk Just think of something weird and draw it. If you're weak in a certain way of drawing, practice that.
Just have patients. It's not good to force an idea or anyting into your brain. Just let inspiration find you, cause it will eventually. Maybe take a jog, and observe what's around you........ o.o
*Bangs Head On Keyboard (for real)* jhuilkdzfklvcxl,kfx (Letters typed with headbanging) Thx for the help. However, its not really helping.... hmm lets see, I sux on drawing female characters so I gave up on that. (even though I've only drawn one for real) Im been drawing Sora ever since I've laid my eyes on KH I've drawn the organization so much I've lost count. I can't draw Riku. (only tried once) Sephiroth is really the only FF character I respect Yaoi and that kinda stuff doesn't suit me Same goes for happy/peaceful scene I really sux in making sigs, especially the ones with special effects and stuff [I've tried photoshop, don't get it and gave up. GIMP, gave up on that cuz it's been going completely screwy recently. I can't even paste a picture properly!](sprites, etc.) I'm hit a wall on drawing.... Maybe I need some more time... And I also have a real problem with fanfics. I'm completely out of ideas... Maybe all of these is cuz I don have a PS2...(don't ask how I play KH and KH2, long story)