Hello everyone! Here I am asking for your help again regard The World Ends With You . =/ Just a warning, if you didn't finish the game yet, don't open the spoiler tag. Spoiler So I already found Fusion Levels 2 and 3 for Shiki, for Joshua I just have the Level 1 and for Beat I have fusion level 1 and 2... Where can I find Joshua's fusion levels 2 and 3 and Beat's level 3? I'm pretty sure I looked at all stores I didn't find. ?_? Thank you, again. =]
http://twewy.wikia.com/wiki/(S)_Fusion_Boost Click on the links to both Beat and Joshua's fusion boosts in the top left and it'll tell you what stores to go to. I don't know if it shows what items you'll need to trade for it though. Anyway, I hope this helps.