I found this on YouTube a few minutes ago. It's really funny seeing the Naruto characters hosting a semi-t.v. show type thing. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Dp5fhDxmI&mode=related&search=
Oh, I saw that episode the other day. Rather funny. ^_^ Isn't this like, the first Sasuke sighting we've had in....forever?
Yeah, I haven't seen him for like thirty episodes and he was all like," Let's go to the dojo." That wussy.
Well I saw It a couple days ago or so. But lol I found it funny because that whole episode was just like funny random shiz and then it's like "OMG IT'S SASUKE?! O_o" lolololol they picked THAT episode to show him the first time since he left?! It was just so random xD more random then the rest of the episode hahahaha. :p I can only picture Jiraiya when the cameras not showing him.. nyehhh probably picking his nose or something <_<
im pretty sure that was episode 202, it was alright although it was pretty much a stupid filler. Basically it was a recap of the "best fights" so far. Why did they not put the Sarutobi vs Orochimaru fight, i thought that one was pretty intense.