Who else has seen this movie? I absolutely loved it, but not as a film so much as a social commentary. If anybody has any knowledge about what this movie is saying please tell me because I could use it.
Looks more like a mindless Saw/Hostel torture porn than a profound social commentary to me. I' m downloading it right now, I won' t say more until I' ve actually watched it. I think there are already threads about that movie in the spam zone, but the search function seems unable to retrieve anything posted before the Xenforo jump. Don' t expect me to skim through the spam zone history manually.
^ I wasn' t suggesting necrobump, just informing him that there are such threads in here already. I' m fairly certain they contain exactly what he' s asking for.
... Okay, first, are you just mad that I called a movie you thought was smart "mindless" (although mentioning I haven' t watched it yet implies I' m aware I might be completely off the wall) ? Or is there something else on your mind ? I can' t say that it was a terrible movie, but it didn' t blow my mind either. Too bad the sociopaths were unleashed before the characters were even established, then barely developed further on, I couldn' t care less what happened to who. That' s too bad, it was skillfully directed. As for the social commentary ... I' m not sure what you saw there exactly. The movie, through a pinch of self-awareness and fourth wall breaking, suggests that movies just might have something to do with our society violence. Unless it' s just bad parenting ? Oh well, it just throws those tired up patsies up in the air and doesn' t try and make a single point beyond that. Which I guess in itself was the third tired up patsy, reflected in the victims' apathy : who cares ? I thought the Scream movies handled their self-awareness better, granted they didn' t push their subtext further than Funny Games. As for the social critique, I read most of Stephen King' s (or rather Richard Bachman) early work; Running Man, The Long Walk, and especially Rage. It' s hard not to compare Funny Games to them, which doesn' t exactly turn out in its favor imo.