Fun-tastic Prank!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Mr. Mime, Sep 9, 2007.

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  1. Mr. Mime Banned

    Dec 1, 2006
    I live in a mirror, box
    Dear fans of fun,

    Well my friend told me this one, and I claim that I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP. Alright, it is quite a simple one:

    1) Take a screenshot of your Desktop.

    2) Open up an image-editing program with the "CROP TOOL". (I will be using PhotoShop as an example).

    3) CTRL+N when you are in PhotoShop, but do not change any of the size settings. In other image-editing programs, you may have to find out the size of your desktop without the taskbar...good luck with that.

    3) Crop the tool so that only the wallpaper and the icons remain in the picture. Save it.

    4) Now copy all your shortcuts and folders...or as many as you can, into your will probably not remember the name of your shortcuts, so it is best that you DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.

    5) I may sounds crazy when I type this, but I need you to delete all your icons, and folders on your desktop...JUST THE SHORTCUTS, NOT THE PROGRAMS. This is why step 4) is so crucial in this prank.

    6) Now hide in the shadows (sorry, I have always wanted to type/say that) and wait for someone to go on your computer (or do this prank on someone else's computer).

    7) WATCH AS THEY STRUGGLE TO FIGURE OUT WHY NONE OF THE ICONS AND FOLDERS WORKS. I did this to my Computer and Information Science teacher once, and he had to call in two other programmers to find out what was wrong...THE FIRST OF THE TWO COULD NOT FIGURE IT OUT! XD

    **Note: It may be hard to delete the Recycle Bin, so you may want to keep it on your desktop...if you figure out a way to delete it, TELL ME NOW....please.
  2. Frodis Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2006
    About the icons, you can just:
    Right click on you desktop
    Arrange icons by:
    Show desktop icons

    and Voila
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Or you could take a screen shot of your desktop and paste it into PowerPoint and make hundreds of slides so they keep clicking and nothing happens =D Much simpler but easier to unravel.
  4. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    XD I'm so doing that
  5. Mr. Mime Banned

    Dec 1, 2006
    I live in a mirror, box
    Much easier, "Element-chan"...LISTEN TO THIS PERSON....or read her/him?
  6. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    lol i already knew how to do that but i didn't expect someone to use it to a teacher! I'LL USE IT TO!!! BWUHAHAHA oh sorry for laughing maniaccally XD wrong spelling XD
  7. Yiazmat Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 2, 2007
    Root Town, fabled capitol
    Although slightly difficult, THAT IS AWESOME!
  8. Mr. Mime Banned

    Dec 1, 2006
    I live in a mirror, box
    Apparently, he was supposed to be one of the best coders in the province of Ontario...I laughed SO hard when I saw the second programmer my teacher called say, "Sorry man, I have no idea what is wrong with your computer, why don't you go try this guy" and he gave some other guy's number.

    The moment my teacher described the problem to the second programmer, and the programmer saw the desktop, the programmer got up and left. THe teacher was like "What the hell?! Where are you going!?", and the guy said, "What, do you think that I am a joke?! Your desktop does not even have any icons, your desktop is a ****ing wallpaper!", and he slammed the door.

    Everyone in my class laughed, but my two friends in my class laughed the hardest, because I told them who did it. ;) Stupid teachers, and their stupid-stupids.
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