fullmetal alchimist: new generation *retry*

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by swordser2, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. swordser2 Banned

    ok well the other one is down i think buth eres the new one

    This is the year 2007 in the country of Amestris. This was the golden age of alchemy, cities flourished with this seemingly all-powerful skill. More mysteries of alchemy are solved each day and more are discovered. Though alchemy is dominant, physics are also advancing as their grasp of technology grows. Still, legends of the greatest amplifier, the Philosopher's Stone, still survive. There are still those who wish to seek it. The military has improved, gaining new weaponry and recruits, also there are more State Alchemists joining. Alchemists of the day do not yet know of The Gate, the source of all alchemy, or where the energy for transmutation come from. There are those who still are willing to try ressurecting the dead..............................

    This may be the last RP I ever make here, I'm so friggen tired of the spam and n00bs here, I just wanna let it go to rest. Please try not to spam here, this may be the last one created by me at KH-Vids.
    No spamming-Please, it's annoying and will get you into deper trouble.
    No godmoding-It's a tendancy in most n00bs to become an all-powerful god, please, don't.
    No powerplay-Taking control of another character is extremely aggrivation. If you wanna be god over everything, make a fan fic.
    Romance-Anything above making out is restricted, I never wanna read anything that graphic.
    Character Selection-You can't pick any characters from the anime/manga beacuse they're all super old, you might wana make up your own characters.

    Specialty Alchemy:
    Other Alchemy:
    Weapon Transmutation:
    Main Weapon:
    Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove)

    Title:the deadly alchmist
    Specialty Alchemy:trsnforming
    Other Alchemy:the reals majors and roys and eds
    Weapon Transmutation:[​IMG]
    Main Weapon:[​IMG]
    Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove) and the alchmist coat
    and this [​IMG] more to come later
    Biography:she was waiting to be princes of twilight but she got into alchemy in age 6 to bring her father bak while looking or mom but lost her 1 arm and 1 leg and hewr sister disapeared her little one and as she studied alchemy she became a major at the state alchimist