number 1, what's your favourite part of fma? number 2, whos your favourite character? number 3, whos your fave homonculus? number 4, random stuff you love.. number 5, WHAT SITE CAN I DOWNLOAD FMA OFF OF! i loved the anime and i'd like to be able to watch it again without ordering it online lol.
Reply to Thread 1. Would probably be... either when Ed fights Roy in Episode 13, or when Envy impales Ed in Episode 51. 2. Edward Elric!!!! 3. Envy, definitely. 4. Random stuff I love... probably Ed transmuting. CLAP! 5. Well, I suggest to either get an account off of 'Majin Arena' or go to, but I think they deleted the site, so... Majin Arena! That's the only site I've found that actually works, and I've looked through a LOT.
Fullmetal Alchemist 107 I am very surprised this hasnt been made a topic yet. ...cause we are just one chapter away from finishing the manga. EPIC CHAPTER IS EPIC.
-moved- To Anime & Manga since most FMA threads are located there. I appreciate them quitting while they're ahead. Many mangas eschew that attitude and continue on and on, inevitably recycling the same old ideas.
I realize I'm very late on being addicted to this amazing anime/manga, but what do you guys think of it? I wish they had a fighting game. Like Naruto fighting games, Ultimate Ninja and everything. I heard there was a new Fullmetal Alchemist movie coming out too. I'm currently watching Brotherhood. Is the other series worth watching?