I thought this game was amazing. how it... followed the original plot Voice acting Very familiar feel Smooth Gameplay Yet most people i know gave it bad reviews... wHat do you think, KHV?
I adore this game. The sheer amount of fan service was great, from Armstrong sparkling whenever he moved to Ed having two different sprites for his robed and non-robed state, to the fact that so many characters from the anime were playable. The gameplay was pretty simple, but I thought it was fun. It's a beat-em-up with a few fun magic attacks thrown in, so you can't expect it to be super deep.
I also loved this game. ****ing awesome, loved the amount of playable characters, it wasn't too complex or too simple and it was a lot of fun. I actually just found the game a few days ago. Definitely gonna play it soon.
Awesome game and simply loved it :D although this game is nearly impossible to play in an Emu because of the one stage where a boulder is chasing u and you have to run tapping both feets ^^"
It seems to be a game for fans, plus the fact that most reviewers these days purposely seek out any bad points, exploit them and over exaggerate them. The only games I've seen exempt from that recently are games the reviewers fanboy over. Either way, I think I might look into this game since I don't have many DS games and it'll probably be on the massive bargain DS rack at my local GameStation.