I had this camera since my Grandfather died, and my Grandmother gave to me since I liked the subject at the time. It's an interesting little thing, and I love the strap. :lolface: http://x66.xanga.com/d5ff72e7c9335246966412/w195809996.jpg http://x0e.xanga.com/439f431416035246966419/w195810002.jpg http://x3e.xanga.com/1eef5a1426d32246966426/w195810006.jpg http://x2b.xanga.com/416f411427535246966437/w195810015.jpg CnC and all that stuff.
You choose the best one my dear. I also love photography but I have no learn more about it. If given a chance, I am very much willing to learn more on photography. I know its just more on taking pictures but I want the deep thoughts in photography. The view that really captures me is the bare tree. I find it beautiful to take a picture of it during night time.
Personally I am not a fan of photos of cameras. Hmm the only one I can say I really like is the second one, I like the angle of it and the fact it looks so natural. The first one is quite nice too. The other two shots I really don't like. The 4th one I dislike because the viewer is automatically drawn to the blinding whiteness of your legs and the third because you look really awkward.
I personally don't like the fourth one also, my legs are very pale. I was actually just trying to get a view of the camera itself. It's hard to do that. The third I actually liked from the grass view, but I understand how the awkwardness comes from. The first two were actually fun to take though, the first was put on a banister, and the second was taken from a rock underneath a tree.