From the Ashes: The Fight for Utopia

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Joker, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Dark, and Void. These dimensions move and create overlap (so where fire and air overlap you might have lightning space for example). As they overlap the beings of each one come into contact and are able to take advantage of both elements. Since they are usually separate each dimension has it’s own culture but they all share the same legend of all the dimensions coming together to create a utopia.

    Eventually, the dimensions came together but the utopia was never to be as the kings of each dimension warred for control of this new area. The gods appeared to hold favor in this war and ultimately the void king won. Immediately after victory, he demanded spirit tethers to be built to hold all the dimensions together, making his reign eternal. Riots continued for decades but eventually those who objected his rule were slain and the children were obedient, as they were taken from their homes before knowing another way of life.

    Not all the gods however were in favor of this new world order, as it went against the prophecies they had given many years ago. The tethers were not perfect and were slowly being stretched and weakened by the gods, leading to the dimensions partially separating. Now as people are once more living in their own dimensions the old way of life is being restored. Parents feared their children being taken from them as so many had already so they were raised in secret. Now with these children becoming adults the time for a mortal and divine revolution is on the horizon.

    Locations (Some general, some not. List may not be complete):

    One in each dimmension, these hold the dimmensions together and uphold the Void King's rule. Hence, they are usually protected heavily by armed forces if they are found.

    Located in: Rumors.
    The Void King's fortress. Little is known about this location. Rumored to be at the spot where the tehers are tied and binded together, also a place of strong spiritual energies which is possibly used to further the Void King's influence.

    Mage Cicles
    Located in: All dimmensions.
    Identified by being bordered with lines, usually formed by long-time preassure made from magic. These grounds usually have a power of there own, some tales even speak of people being spirited away to other places with Mage Circles here, others speaking of gaining wisdom from the dead and fallen. The energy of these places are such that some have gone mad with there bodies trying to proccess the natural and mage energies mixed.

    Volcanic Forges
    Located in: Earth and Fire.
    Deep within volcanoes, giants were a species with natural survival abilities so when breeded properly they could survive the heat within the volcanoes. Here weapons are forged, for all uses and people. The enterances to these volcanoes are usually guarded by the Giant's employers, but the Giant's themselves are syphathetic to some causes and will sometimes give out weapons.

    Located in: Water.
    Lost in lore, the technology was owned by a race that made one fatal miscalculation. While it seems the race is dead, the technology certainly is not. Rumors of the hideos deaths of the people and there causes have kept most would be tresspassers at bay.

    Located in: Dreams.
    A place where the dead and living seem to float to in dreams. Some do it of there own will, some are summoned, and some just arrive with no reason other then dreaming. Said to be the unused space the dimmensions do not take up.

    Middle Earth
    Located in: Earth
    A underground fortress, said to be upheld by the corpses of dead giants and the bones of the worker Gnomes that slaved over the passeg ways. Kept a secret for the most part, a place of refuge for those seeking freedom.

    Sky Temple
    Located in: Air.
    The location is high up and therefore hard to invade and visit. Seemingly free, the place has suffered little in the riots and deaths. They may be forced to get more involved, though as the Void King's influence grows.

    Castle of Dreams
    Located in: Light
    Sayed to be built upon the foundation of all good dreams, hopes, and causes, it seemes to grow dimmer with the death of every good person. The Void King has tried to invade it before, and failed. It is possibly weaker now, though...

    Spiral of Stars
    Located in: Darkness.
    Seeming to spiral into the ground, the darkness is seperated only by flashes of energy, and lost souls wondering forever to the bottom. Few who have gone have returned, none making it to the bottom.

    Located in: Fire.
    A seemingly endless pit of fire, rumored to be accessible by a Volcanic Forge. The stepping stones are littered with the long dried heated bones of the dead and some are painted red in similer dried blood.

    Broken Road
    Located in: Void.
    A maze of debris, the debris seems to be pointing somewhere, as if wanting a traveler to travel it. It goes in all directions, and is hard to follow. True to the Void's name, a Void hangs under the debris. The debris itself seems to be suspended in air by a force. Few have done so and answered its call, and those that have has there bodies added to the debris.

    All dimmensions have cities and such, all special on the element they ahve though. For example, the Fire dimmension specializes in fire.

    Some people have banded together from diffrent dimmensions for there own causes.

    Be creative.

    OC Sheet:

    Character name:
    Character type, if you want:

    On character type I have no set types. Be creative and just submit your ideas. They are welcome and appreciated.


    1: Follow rules of this site, section, and roleplay.

    2: Post Revolution if you have read the rules.

    3: Sugegstions are welcome.

    4: The Void King will be controled by me to start with to get the plot in the right direction, perhaps throughout the roleplay. Other Kings may exist, but they would be in hiding gathering troops and restoring faith.

    5: Godmodding and powerplaying, no.

    6: Use correct speach. No text talk (Example: i c u ik txt tlk.)

    OC Sheets:
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Character name: Raven Kross
    Gender: male
    Powers: Able to manipulate darkness allowing him to pass through shadows as teleportation and the ability to enchant his sword with dark spells.
    Weapons: A katana and throwing knives.
    Dimmension: Dark.
    Other: Revolution.
    Suggestions: n/a
    Character type, if you want: n/a

    Username: mixt
    Character name: Thane
    Gender: male
    Powers: Able to control ash
    Weapons: Keeps a variety stashed in his cloak- black powder, smoke bombs, throwing knives, and the like.
    Dimension: Ash (Mother: Fire + Father: Earth), considers the earth dimension home.
    Other: Tends to keep to himself unless absolutely necessary, even if he were faced with a revolution.

    Character name:Gendran
    Powers: Is able to shoot a corrosive acid from his tattoos, Super speed, agile reflexes.
    Weapons: Only a pair of iron claws and a sack of marble sized explosives on his hip.
    Dimmension: Madness (Father from void, Mother from dreams)

    Username: Neko-Chiba
    Character name: Sorrow
    Gender: Femail
    Powers: She can control others shadows. also using the power of darkness to persuade people. She can also tap into the dark side of people. She can also learn fast and she knows things before they happen.
    Weapons: Her mind.
    Dimmension: Shadows (Mother - Darkness, Farther - light)
    Other: Don't be fooled by her appearance she is darker then she seems. She also try to keep to herself.

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Character name: SkyLight Memoria
    Gender: Girl
    Powers: Light and Air
    Weapons: Uses her powers to attack aswell as a knife hidden under her dress.
    Dimmension: Air
    Other: Her parents died in the attacks on the Light castle. She fled and lived in the Sky Temple by herself ever since.

    Character name: Raven Darkcrow
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Has black bandages all over him and this is a picture of what he looks like without bandages.
    Powers: Blue Fire, Black Lightning (immense strength and agility beyond others in certain circumstances)
    Weapons: A relic sword often rapped in black bandages on his back;
    The Sword:
    The swords true form:
    Dimmension: The Cross of Between(where all the dimensions touch, his father from light and his mother from darkness with flame decendancy)
    Other: Since he chooses to supress alot of his emotions, it warps his body and he transforms and it gives him immense strength and agility when he decides to unleash his emotions or they are released due to trama.
    Suggestions: Well we could always include theme music in particular moments, i.e; battles.

    Credits to mixt and Legionf for a lot of help.
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Character name: Raven Kross
    Gender: male
    Powers: Able to manipulate darkness allowing him to pass through shadows as teleportation and the ability to enchant his sword with dark spells.
    Weapons: A katana and throwing knives.
    Dimmension: Dark.
    Other: Revolution.
    Suggestions: n/a
    Character type, if you want: n/a
  3. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Username: mixt
    Character name: Thane
    Gender: male
    Powers: Able to control ash
    Weapons: Keeps a variety stashed in his cloak- black powder, smoke bombs, throwing knives, and the like.
    Dimension: Ash (Mother: Fire + Father: Earth), considers the earth dimension home.
    Other: Tends to keep to himself unless absolutely necessary, even if he were faced with a revolution.
  4. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Character name:Gendran
    Powers: Is able to shoot a corrosive acid from his tattoos, Super speed, agile reflexes.
    Weapons: Only a pair of iron claws and a sack of marble sized explosives on his hip.
    Dimmension: Madness (Father from void, Mother from dreams)
  5. Neko-Chiba Twilight Town Denizen


    Username: Neko-Chiba
    Character name: Sorrow
    Gender: Femail
    Appearance: girl/ohicks38/anime_girl.jpg?o=58
    Powers: She can control others shadows. also using the power of darkness to persuade people. She can also tap into the dark side of people. She can also learn fast and she knows things before they happen.
    Weapons: Her mind.
    Dimmension: Shadows (Mother - Darkness, Farther - light)
    Other: Don't be fooled by her appearance she is darker then she seems. She also try to keep to herself.
  6. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Character name: SkyLight Memoria
    Gender: Girl

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Powers: Light and Air
    Weapons: Uses her powers to attack aswell as a knife hidden under her dress.
    Dimmension: Air
    Other: Her parents died in the attacks on the Light castle. She fled and lived in the Sky Temple by herself ever since.
  7. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    OOC: All: accepted. Thanks for joining to all.

    BIC: The Void King walked solitarely through the halls of his fortress. It was protected, but he always fealt in danger. Why should he? He had the power. His own men hated him, though. The reason they hated him was the reason they served him: fear and power.

    He had united the dimmensions through fear, and now ruled them through that fear. All the ones that had died for a "noble" cause trying to bring the world together... He had done it and all he had done was taken what those people had given: power.

    The Void was endless, and would never stop expanding. He would not allow it to consume him though. He would consume the void.

    A long time ago he had made room for it in the space where his heart was supposed to be, the king no longer fealt sadness when groups of people burned alive at his command. Those screams had went down the void in his heart, echoing. Eventually it had become a song to him, and it made him happy to know that so many people sang along to it.
  8. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Skylight walked around the Sky Temple. It was grand and full of wonderful patterns on the walls, yet it was crumbling. Just slightly. It seemed like the temple wanted to stay up for Skylight, to give her a home. Un furling her wings, she flew up through one of the holes in the roof and looked around. Fluffly white clouds were everywhere but you could still see the far off ground.
  9. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    A pair of footsteps echoed behind the void king accompanied by the groaning of metal against stone. A chuckle no louder than a whisper mingled and became brother to the other sounds of movement. They all belong to a creature more beast than man, one of a dimension fathered by the void king himself.

    The monster was ove the void king's own flesh and blood, a man that craved the screams of the oppressed, the tears of the torture and worshipped the beauty that is spilt blood that he had its very color imbued into his skin.
  10. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc: I guy I used to talk to did that. It was awesome.
  11. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    OOC: Daxma, you are accepted. Thanks for joining. Suggestion is also accepted. Do you/anyone else have any music they believe would go with this roleplay?

    The Void King inhaled deeply and relaxed on a throne. On the wall were seven mirrors, each displaying a mage circle. Flashes were going off in each dimmension at the Mage Circles, one by one.

    Twelve High Mages guarded his Mage Circles, and a group of soldiers walked silently out. They walked to fulfill his rule, even if death was the cost. What higher proce was there then disobeying the only true authority?

    Without him, these dimmensions would go to chaos. In order to save them, he must destroy there wills and break them. Remodel them. They were foolish, why else had they not been trying to defeat him and ven come close? Were they that weak? If so, they deserved this.
  12. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Skylight flew back in. She headed around the temple, looking at the masonry designs on the walls and floors. Looking through one hole in the wall, she saw something she had never noitced before. There was a ring, surrounded by stones on the floor. A mage stood guard there. Skylight smiled. And here I thought that I was the only person here.
  13. Neko-Chiba Twilight Town Denizen

    Sorrow made her way to the top of the Spiral of Stars, using the shadows to help her along.
  14. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    OOC: Thanks.

    The soldiers formed into an orderly line and began to march, making an easy target for a prepared foe.

    In the distance chanting could be heard and a final flash as the last soldiers were summoned.

    A group of soldiers and townspeople came upon the wreckage, not seeing Raven, and with disgust the leader among the soldiers muttered, "Another rebel. Go home, folks. Nothing to see here. We'll just have to rasie the taxes again, to pay for the damages of your "saviors."

    OOC: Soldiers/townspeople can be controled by anyone.
  15. Neko-Chiba Twilight Town Denizen

    Sorrow begins to head towards the chanting but hides in the shadows so she is not seen.
  16. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    A soldier that had just came out of the castle sighed."Should we feel sorry for them... or us once the King gets ahold of us? Who'll be the one to tell him?"

    On the inside of the castle was a mirror. It resembled the one the Void King had used to observe his Mage Circles.

    The chanting was soon accompined by stranger aromas, and a creature resembeling a hound was summoned. It was the average size of a man, and blind. The creature began to sniff the air, but could not locate anything due to the range.
  17. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    SkyLight pulled herself through the hole in the wall and flew down to the person. Hiding in the shadows, she watched the mage with interest.
  18. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    The Mage aburptley stopped, as if he detected something. The other mages pretended not to notice this. Any foolishness would be dealt with by the Void King himself. That was worse then any punishment they could give.
  19. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    SkyLight blinked. The mage didn't have wings. If that mage doesn't have wings, then how does that person get around...? Walk...? She thought to herself. Flying up to a different persition, she peered at the mage's back. Or maybe, they keep their wings tucked inside?
  20. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    As if in an attempt to make SkyLight more confused, the twelve High Mages began to rise into the air. The air began to shimmer with heat, and the Mage Circle below began to glow. All twelve of the mages seemed to loose control of themselves, and their bodies slacked but remained in the air.

    It could now be seen that something other then mages and soldiers had arrived at the Mage Circle. Could it of been... a human experiment? Could it even be considered human anymore?
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