I know that much, but mine was with a Responsible Adult that has had their Full Lisence for more then five years.
Well... unless if you can get a license younger then the age of 16 where you live, the person would still be 21 or older. xD
Driving becomes second nature after awhile. I've had my license for almost 3 years now but I already start treating driving like a chore. xD
.......you were lazy to get it weren't you? I can't believe that i've had my license longer than you because I'm older. Many of my friends have gotten their licenses late because they were too lazy to go and get the learner's permit at the DMV.
That's not true...it's just that..some of us have minor.....problems with driving....but besides, there's nothing much else wrong. The road is still just as safe as running in an open field with guns shooting at you with females driving as males. Risks don't change with the addition of female drivers on the road. Besides, I'd say male drivers are more dangerous. Some of you get so lucky with the many risks you take, I wonder why a cop hasn't caught you yet.
Nah, I just had a lot of stuff going on last year and didn't feel ready. But I just got back from driving a bit and I'm actually not that bad. 8D