Well funnily enough, today was the day that two people from my job were told they don't have any shifts next week, but they should call on Thursday to find out if they have any shifts for the week after. Take that how you will.
Ah Yes, the legend of the Amaury Yut or in Latin, "Makomaury". They say that if you visit a certain forum, he shall appear within you monitor watching everything you do as well as appearing under your bed and inside your closet at night. The Makomaury can possess you, making you search for personal information. A sacrifice of an eleven year old admin is the only way to stop it.
Ah, sweet. This is my chance for everyone to play up my cruel jokes to an unlucky day! That means I get to set death traps all over the apartment complex. I'll make sure to take pictures.
Oh thanks, now I'm going to have to hope nothing supernatural happens to me while I work at Target. Ironically, and somewhat pun intended, I'm even watching supernatural right now
I'm going to a high-school football game tonight. I'm thinking things could go one of three ways: I'll trip over my own feet and fall down the bleachers, the hometeam will lose (Which, really wouldn't be that surprising, our team rarely wins. Rarely scores, actually), or, perhaps the worst of all, they'll be out of Coca-Cola at the concession stand. Heaven forbid all three should happen tonight. Now if only I could find a four-leaf clover to try and cancel it out. XD
Excuse me? Hello? What the **** did you just say to me? Superstitious? People? I'll end you. Where you stand. Do not insult my heritage. My culture. For shame. End this man and loot his kitchen cabinets. I will not stand for such intolerance of those on a higher plane than he. I leave.
Alright, so just got back from the game. The night started off with me going to the concession stand and learning that they didn't even stock Coca-Cola tonight, and I had to get a Pepsi instead. We lost 30 to 40, although, really, as I said earlier, not much of a surprise. Fortunately for me, though, I did NOT trip and fall down the bleachers. The lack of Coke and our team's poor performance had me watching my step very carefully. Although there were three times I came very close. lol, I think I jinxed myself with my earlier post. XD