I'm noticing that you pretty consistently use this color scheme: purple + white, with the contrast turned up. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but I think you should try to experiment more with colors that you wouldn't normally use. I almost always use blue, it is my fallback & favorite color, and I'm assuming purple is the same way for you--and that's fine! But part of art is experimentation. As for this signature, I feel you're lacking an actual focal point. My eye is drawn to the splatters, but there's not much to look at there. I go next to the text, which I am not a fan of, sorry. Text is incredibly difficult to pull off though, I have a lot of trouble with it. These tutorials may help you: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?61537-Tutorial-for-Typography-101 http://warsh33p.deviantart.com/art/Ultimate-Text-Tutorial-38441798 The perspective seems really odd to me here. The background is kind of slanted while there are the straight lines--I'm not sure what's going on, really. It seems a little haphazard. Additionally, here are just some general sig-making things that might help you. =] Oooold post I made on flow. Basically the greatest tutorial ever. Every sigmaker should read it, imo. As for struggling with freestyle, I understand where you're coming from--you want to enter but without a set theme you really don't have a jumping off point. But sitting down at Photoshop and saying "I am going to make something" doesn't usually yield good results for me. You've got to find inspiration, a muse! Look at other artists' work and try to imitate the aspects of their style you like. Put on a song or album with a certain feeling or emotion to it and let it flow into your work. Take a word, any word, and make a signature that represents it. Just because you're not given a theme doesn't mean you can't make one for yourself. =]