hey guy's, I'm looking for a website that I can go on to point my site to my server thats free with no hidden fees so that I can get my new forum up and running.^^ BTW I was wondering if someone can give me a link to 000webhosts support page because I can't seem to access it on their site because 000webhost is the hosting site I use, so any help with that too would be most appreciated.^^ Thanks!^^
Here is their frequently asked questions page: http://www.000webhost.com/forum/customer-assistance/7894-faq-frequent-ask-questions-guide.html
http://www.freedomain.co.nr/ You just have to put their little button on your homepage. It's not that hard, I did it with one my crappy invisionfree forums when I was like, eight.
ok sweet thanks killjoy!^^ but what do you mean by put their button on my homepage? do you mean my sites hompage? edit: sorry killjoy but I don't have a domain issued co.nr mine is .net so I don't think that'll work. :( ^^
You want a site that will redirect to yours, right? This will work, even if your domain is .net. You just have to put their button on the homepage of the site you're redirecting to with a little HTML code. It's easy.