Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see? Tongue turned blue and face gone grey Watch them as they twist and sway The first one killed the butcher man Then cooked him in the frying pan Served him to his hungry guests And gave them seconds on request The next one with his smile and sweets Stole poor children off the streets To men who dressed unsavory He sold them into slavery Breaking into home at night The thief he had a nasty fright Filled his foolish head with ale Woke in the morn in the county jail The artist with his daunting skill Tried his hand at painting bills But caught in rain he was undone When the ink he’s use did start to run With promises of great return Taking gold he did not earn Bundled it up out of sight Quietly slipped off into night Three houses into ashes burned The sheriff with no place to turn Did spy a stranger to his town Locked him up and beat him down Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see? Six feet long and six men wide Round their necks the noose be tied. Whom of these six is the innocent man? -The Kidnapper -The Arsonist -The Counterfeiter -The Thief -The Embezzler -The Murderer (and don't be lame and just Google it)
The Arsonist is the obvious answer, isn't it? I am probably missing something, but it can't hurt to guess.
..I was hoping this would take more time :\ But yeah, you guys are right: its The Arsonist Want another?
This one's quite a bit more gruesome. I was able to figure it out without looking up the answer though, so good luck. Again, don't look it up and ruin it. There is a keypad to a door you must unlock. The buttons range from 1 to 9, on a 3x3 layout. You must figure out the 4-digit code. Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead--- You are always looking at me and I am always looking at you. Ah, you're too meek--- beautiful, unspoiled: thus I'm so sad, I suffer--- and so happy, it hurts. I want to hurt you and destroy myself What you would think if you knew how I felt. Would you simply smile, not saying a word? Even curses from your mouth would be as beautiful as pearls. I place my left hand on your face as though we were to kiss. Then I suddenly shove my thumb deep into your eyesocket. Abruptly, decisively, like drilling a hole. And what would it feel like? Like jelly? Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely mix it around and around: I must taste the warmth of your blood. How would you scream? Would you shriek "It hurts! It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears stream from your crushed eye? You can't know the maddening hunger I've felt in the midst of our kisses, so many of them I've lost count. As though drinking in your cries, I bring my hopes to fruition: biting your tongue, shredding it, biting at your lips as if tasting your lipstick. Oh, what euphoric heights I would reach, having my desires fulfilled like a greedy, gluttonous cur. I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my tongue. I would surely be healed, and would cry like a child. And how is your tender ear? It brushes against my cheek; I want it to creep up to my lips so I can sink my teeth into its flesh. Your left ear, always hearing words whispered sweet as pie--- I want it to hear my true feelings. I never lied, no... but I did have my secrets. Ah, but what must you think of me? Do you hate me? Are you afraid? As though inviting you to the agony at the play's end, if you wish, you could destroy me---I wouldn't care. As you wish, you may destroy me ---I wouldn't care.
What is this Silent Hill 3? Those games always managed to give me the worst nightmares. ;~; I only know the answer because I've played the game . . . 4896
Lame, I was hoping you guys wouldn't give it away :\ The one you quoted was from Silent Hill 2 actually. Correct. 4896, though 4876 could technically be correct too. Think of the keypad like a face looking at you. 1 would be the person's right eye, 5 would be the nose, 9 would be the left cheek.
Is it SH2? i was convinced it was SH3, in the same place where you're finding the pieces of the story to kill the monster, has been a few years though and there's a lot of rusty metal areas in the games.
But then how did you get the 4 and 8? 4 would be the right eye, I suppose. The eight would be the mouth? Hm, that would indeed have been hard. Now I'm sad that it was given away. Waaah... ;~;
What you're thinking of is the Glutton monster in the Hilltop Center from Silent Hill 3, in which you have to find pages from a fairy tale book. The first riddle I posted is from Silent Hill 2, in which you have to pull the noose of an innocent man in a room full of hanged men in the Labyrinth. (ultimate Silent Hill addict right here) To figure out the right numbers, you have to go in order of how the author tastes things. He crushed the person's right eye, but lets it stream down, with the right ear being the next descending thing. Thus, 4. And you're right, the mouth is 8.