Okay, so last night I dreamt about my death, or at least I think I died. Anyway, it was during an "end of the world" situation, where a distant country was going to shoot off nukes to kill those who lived in the US. At the end of the dream, I was dragging the dead body of a girl who I believe to be my friend (I know in the dream I was very close to her, but forgot her name nearly as soon as I woke up). She had accidentally suffocated a few minutes before that moment. We were in the middle of a meadow in the woods and I saw explosions going off at all sides. For some reason, I decided to kiss my dead friend (which itself was odd because I think she told me she wasn't into guys) as my final living act. Then, some kind of cloud was moving in to cover us. No idea what brought this on.
Did you watch any movies before going to bed? Or perhaps a t.v. show where they, in one small scene, were working on a tragic play of the same nature?
never heard of it, but i'm oblivious to allot of things. sometimes our brains just spit something out while we're sleeping. It's usually something that doesn't make sense, Hence why our brains spit them out.
There are two types of dreams: conscious and sub-conscious. I don't know which is which, but one can take events you had that day and mix them together. If you were playing a racing video game and later talked about bears, you could have a dream where you're being chased by a bear in a store and you only have your underwear on. It can be even get as weird as having sex with someone. A long time ago, my mom and I were going to Seattle and I had some questions about sex-related stuff. Later on, we were having a discussion about a male friend of mine. That night I had a dream that I had sex with him or got real sexual with him (can't remember exactly). The other one is just fantasy stuff, which doesn't have anything to do with what you did that day.
To me it sounds like a pretty good dream. I don't have to pay child support on kids that aren't real, right?
If I considered that a good dream, it would be with a character like Loretta Oratorio from Wild Arms TV.
I couldn't sleep last night and when I did I had a dream where I was lying in bed and I had a horrible headache that was shaking my vision so badly that I couldn't move. I then had another dream where I was in a supermarket with Greg House who took a jar of biscuits or something to the paying place where he smashed it on the conveyor belt and then fainted which left me responsible for picking out and eating the biscuits in amongst the glass. It was very important.
Last night I dreamed that I was Tony Stark, and there was an accident that turned me into a five year-old, except I still had the Arc Reactor and all my memories of being an adult. Then, while we were trying to figure out how to get me back to normal, I was kidnapped by someone who wanted to hold me ransom from the Avengers. I woke up before the dream ended, but I remember thinking "Ha, you just kidnapped a genius who still has all his memories of being an Avenger, and are holding him ransom from all the other Avengers. Yeah, you're gonna die." The night before that, I dreamed I was Shawn Spencer from Psych, and I was investigating a murder in which someone had their heart cut out. I was investigating by having a sleepover with three of my top suspects. Then, in the middle of the night, I heard really creepy music coming from the soundtrack, so I hid, and the Gentlemen from Buffy the Vampire Slayer came in and stole the three suspects. Lassie didn't believe me the next morning when I told him what happened, until the Gentlemen showed up again right in front of us, and then I woke up. The funny thing? I've never even seen an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, let alone a clip of the Gentlemen. XD
Oh my god, if I have a dream where I am holding Mirabelle Graceland from Wild Arms Twilight Venom in my arms, and having a romantic moment with her in the dream, I am gonna lose myself. Go ahead an call me a hopeless romantic if you like.