They've been showing reruns of it and I came to the conclusion that OH MY DEAR GOD IT'S HILARIOUS XD I haven't seen it that much before, but it still feels surprisingly current, and the set-up, characters and acting is amazing. Anyone else watch/use to watch this?
I used to watch it allll the time, I thought it was amazing. I always used to love how Niles was so fixated on Daphne but she was so damn oblivious D: ^^ such a funny show, I love when comedy was like this and not always about toilet humour.
I like Frasier :D I don't own any dvd's or something, but whenever it happens to be on TV, I'll watch it. Did you know that that guy who played Frasier Crane voices Sideshow Bob in the Simpsons ??
I remember watching it when I was real little. I watched an episode the other day and it was really funny. It brought back memories.
Which is made even funnier by the fact that David Hyde Pierce (Niles) and John Mahoney (Martin) voiced Sideshow Bob's brother and father later on in the series xD I love the Niles/Daphne thing too, one of the best parts of the show ^^