Trailer Spoiler [video=youtube;5ceOFTjHUQA][/video] Directed by Danny Boyle, the play is an adaptation of Mary Shelly's classic story of a scientist's facination with forbidden science. Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller alternate their roles of Frankenstein and The Creature. So, basically they recorded the play twice, with both leads playing the seperate roles. I was able to go this past week, which was Cumberbatch as The Creature and Miller as Frankenstein. Having just recently finished reading the novel, I enjoyed how the play mainly focussed on The Creature's view of the story. It was very moving and heart breaking, especially towards the end. The Frankenstein role does seem a bit weak, due to his coming in mostly during the second half of the play, and there are a few things you are left to fill in if you know the story from the novel. All in all though, it's a good play. I want to go again this week, but this time watching Miller play The Creature and Cumberbatch play Frankenstein, just to see how each actor attacks the role. Thoughts?
Oh wow. It's pretty obvious what they're saying by having the actors alternate roles, but it should make for an interesting performance. I'd love to see it.