So I had a lost dog follow me back to my house today. She had a collar, so I know she isn't stray, but she didn't have a tag. I leashed her up to the tree in front of my house for now, but with it being 95 F out today I don't want to leave such a small dog out there for very long. I don't want to take her inside either because then whoever might be looking for her wouldn't see her, and I have a very large and territorial dog. Anybody have ideas?
Take it to your local vet or animal shelter, it might be microchipped. Failing that, put up some flyers.
Yeah, putting up fliers would be the best idea. As for your territorial dog, you could try locking him in a bedroom or bathroom or something and put his food and water there temporarily while you keep the lost dog inside. You said it followed you home, right? Maybe where you found it was its home. Have you tried going back to the area it started following you to see if it belonged to anyone there?
That's what i'd say you should do, and since it IS someone's dog their probably out looking for her. I don't know if your local shelter would have any way of contacting the owner, but if there is a vet's office, try there, see if the vet might recognise the dog and find the owner from there.
That's what i'd do. Go to a local vet and see if they remember it. Or go back to where you fist saw it. And, as recommended, putting up fliers never hurt.
Agreed. Vet or any other animal care would likely be the best, they would either know or atleast care for the dog for a time and inform you what to do considering they know your area better then us. After that, put up fliers around your area and where you first met it.
Alright, when my Mom came home she called the Police non-emergency number (I wasn't even aware that existed) and an officer came to bring her to a shelter. She'll be there for two weeks, and if no one claims her she'll go up for adoption.