Would you recommend it as a good game to kill time with on overly hot days during the summer? I'm looking for one that isn't gory and I love the concept of the angels and stuff they have going. I'm trying to find things to do. So for all those who have played it, tell me your opinions. Please post your opinions. I need something solid so I know whether or not it's a waste of money!!!
Tales of Symphonia is DEFINATELY worth it. It was my most favorite game before I played KH. 80hrs+ of gametime, a great story, and cool characters. Some people don't like it cause it's sorta cliche, but it's one of my favs and I say yes!
I've played it & i would recommend it to you. It's long, the characters are cool & has a good story. Plus i loved the combat system in it.
Yeah, if your looking for a good RPG with an awesome battle system and great story then it's definitly worth playing... It's actually the last RPG I remember enjoying...
i haven't played ToS myself since i'm really into RPG games. (fighting games and DDR are more for me! XD) but, after seeing that some people were talking about it, i started considering picking it up one of these days and seeing how i might like it. online, i've gotten comments from people saying that it was a little cliche. this one guy even said that he was really disappointed and gave his away to someone in his family. still, the characters look cool and the story line looks really interesting. if you're into a long RPG, i'd say give it a shot.
I wouldn't play it on a summer day personally unless you've got some air con on. But yeah, I would advise you to play it. Awesome game. ...I should get my copy back from my friend...
yea, i recomend it its fun, and you can play it more than once. although i think you should enjoy summer outside
Ok, the reason I'm asking this question is because some days my house in cooler to stay in, as the summers can get really hot outside. So if it's too hot to spend outside, I just wanted something to do inside. Video grames come in here. IT's not that I'm not going to spend any time outside, it's just I want something to do if it's too unbearable to go out.