Now. This is a topic that's eaten at me for a long long time. Footballers and their job and how much they get paid. To be honest no, Not their Job and Not about them. But how much they get paid it's always something thats bugged the hell out of me about the ridiculous amounts of money that is circled around within the Football industry within Europe especially. They get paid ridiculous figures, you know me and my college friends have always discussed about how it's wrong that society pays out huge amounts of money for people playing a ridiculous sport in the first place. Yet we complain about things such as the depression and etc and the recession. If we cut back even 1/3rd of the money allocated towards footballers don't you think we'd be a bit better off financially wise? Let me know your thoughts on this and if there are any flaws on what I'm saying. I do hate football as a sport, but I don't mind it. It's just the pay outs they get are ridiculous.
Yeah I agree, but it' s not just footballers. I' m pretty sure other professions have just as indecent paychecks. I don' t mind having some people earning more money than others, competition is a good thing, but I' m all for capping salaries. Which is kinda what France did. We didn' t cap anything be we made sure the top 1% had according taxes. Well, there are still loopholes but we' re working on it. Some people say the rich footballers (well, rich people period) will just move to other countries and I say GOOD, I won' t miss them. Not just because I don' t give a **** about football, but because that reasoning is just ******ed. If we were to follow it through then I guess we should get rid of children' s rights in order to compete with China. If you want to live in a clean world you should start by cleaning your own house, "no one else does" is not a good enough reason not to wash.
I don't understand why they are paid so much in the first place anyway. They do put in a lot of hard work yes but it is no where near worth the amount they are paid. It saddens me that so many cut backs are being made, people are losing their jobs (my mum has been made redundant at least 3 times and my Dad twice) all for sport. Now sport is important, it's a good entertainer but so is a lot of TV shows or theater shows- why are they not paid more? (Here I am more referring to the crew but also the cast in smaller productions) No one even needs that amount of money- what on earth would you do with it all? I don't have anything against football or footballers but they just don't need that much money. I don't think any other sport pays that much so why football? Even cutting their wages by a 1/3 they would still have a very decent wage. Rooney has just been signed on for a £300,000 a week contract- a third taken off of that would be £200,000 and I still that is loads! Footballers would moan but I don't think they can be unhappy about still having such a large contract. How did it even get like this...
Even though I agree it is too much, and even though I think our money should be better spent ad split.... I can't agree with you guys. The sports are "entertaiment shows" just like rock concerts , it sells tickets, it sells advertisement , people that are fans buy it, and think it is ok! The teams are not public, they are private... so they are providing a "entertaiment show", people are willing to buy it.. why they shouldn't ? If they were not there, this money would not circulate, they made a necessity, the demand was good... it is not like they are using your taxes for paying the athletes and even though they receive a lot, I think the team will benefit even more. Sure we should spend more money on science and essencial stuff, but that is not what people chose to spend their personal money on... so I can't put my values in others and tell what they should or should not do with their money.
Yeah well, you' re putting words in our mouths. Big time. Sport can help to provide social link, promote meritocracy, and is healthy. None of us denied any of that. I' m not a football fan, but I have nothing against it. Let me put it this way : football is a collective sport, it' s won or lost as a team. No one gets there on his own. Well it' s the same with a country. Those footballers earning millions probably made it thanks to public school and local football clubs (those are subsided with state money), and thanks to their fans moral and financial support. Seems only fair to try and help back, no ? Proportionally speaking, even unemployed people were paying more taxes than the top 1%, does that seem fair to you ? I think not. Even though we raised the top 1% taxes they' re still left with millions, I' m not exactly gonna cry for them.
I am not overly fussed about my taxes here, I'm more fussed about how unproportional the wages are for what it is. Football is entertainment, it has a lot of fans and supporters that will spend the money on this but so does Rugby or basketball. Football is popular, but the money could go to better uses, I have no problem with people loving and spending their money on football, if that's their passion then I really hope they do and I hope they enjoy themselves but it's just one sport, one form of entertainment, one popular commodity of the world today- what about the others? For example, I am a huge Doctor Who fan, but if I found the actors were getting paid £300,000 a week then I would think that is way too much, a lot of work has gone into making the show and a lot of people spend their money buying merchandise/going and seeing their favourite actors etc. and yet it is still quite a low budget production.
I'm not saying take away their fund completely but their huge amounts of money that they get paid to what...Kick around a ball? If it was decreased by at least 1/4 You don't think we'd be out of the recession and into prosperity? Football gets tons of money of course from tickets and so on but the amounts of money that goes to a single footballer is absurd. 250,000. these sorts of figures are ridiculous for kicking a ball around. It's not the taxes or anything that i'm worried about to be honest I'm just thinking if even a fraction of that money was put towards something more politically correct like paying off country debt we'd be better off. The money that goes to an organization is one thing but for that amount of money to be directed at a single player is absurd.
The problem is... if you don't want that they receive much, don't buy their products (t-shirts, balls, ticketd, etc..) or even boycott them, yet that money would go to some other entertaiment, like video games or whatever... people chose what they want, and how much they want to pay for it, if they stop paying obviously the atheletes will not receive as much as they do. The thing is, because this "sport" exist a lot of people make their living from this, and jobs are born, etc.. So in a way they are helping, don't think if there were no football, there would be no huge salaries like musicians or others... it is not just because "we don't spend the money on sports, that it will go to education". Sports are not like the "government" that has X money to spend on Y things (so we can take security and put more money in education/ health etc...) private money does not work like this if there was no footballers maybe there were more Britanney Spears... that would receive too much "just to sing". The problem is not that they receive huge salaries (but I agree that they should pay more taxes for it), the problem is that normal people decide where they put their money on, and normally it aint for saving the children in africa or the cure of cancer is for "fun stuff".. but even this can make jobs for normal people so I don't see the problem .