Personally, I love their new album. 20 Dollar Nose Bleed fading into West Coast Smoker was jawesome. I expected What a Catch to be better for some reason. I expected it to be some sort of 'epic', nostalgic song since they were using lines from past songs and whatnot. I like She's My Winona, but I felt like repeating the chorus twice at the end was really annoying. America's Suitehearts is pretty good, but it's going to be whored to no end, seeing as it's the new single. Headfirst Slide = **** Yeah. The (Shipped) Gold Standard is kinda meh to me. I like it, but the chorus annoys me. 27 is pretty catchy and awesome. I love Tiffany Blews, especially since it has Lil Wayne guest starring on it. Overall, love the album. Fall Out Boy have always been a guilty pleasure of mine.
Can't say I like it. I've heard most of the songs on the album, and it isn't as good as it could be. The first single 'I don't Care' is not bad, but I don't like the direction they have gone it. They lost the punk/rock and have gone for more pop. Nothing on the album stands out to me, it could be becaused they moved to an area I'm not fond of , but the album just comes off as sub-par to me. Though it is getting good reviews around the board.