Focus Group Survey 2018

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Lauriam, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Hello everyone and happy new year! 2018 is upon us, and along with it, the chance for a fresh start and new ideas. So, we thought we'd ask all of you what kind of fun events you would like to see this year!

    All suggestions are welcome, but naturally, we can't make any promises that every idea will be used. In addition to the questions about events, there are also a few general questions about you; what brought you to our community, what you like about us, what sections interest you the most, etc. This is so that we can find out what our members want to get out of this site, and what we should focus on to help you get what you want. As such, I'd like you to answer as many questions as you can, but you're also allowed to leave any of the questions blank if you want to.

    In order to submit your survey, please copy the questions below, start a conversation with me in private messaging, and send me the survey with as many questions filled out as you can. I'm going to take the information you give me and post it in the staff section where we can discuss how best to meet everyone's needs. Because of this set up, you'll be allowed to post anonymously by leaving the Username blank. I'll know who submitted the answer, but the rest of the staff won't. However, this isn't recommended, so if you're comfortable leaving your name, I highly suggest you do so. :)

    Join date:
    How did you find KHV?
    What made you decide to join KHV?
    How active are you on the site?
    What section or subsection are you most comfortable posting in?
    What KHV event, either discontinued or still running, do you like the most?
    What event do you dislike the most?
    What is one event idea that you would like to see implemented on KHV?
    What are some of your hobbies?
    Do you think you’d like to stay on KHV for awhile?
    Why or why not?
    Extra comments:
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: CrackedMoksha (Or just Moksha)
    Age: 21
    Join date: 1/11/2011
    How did you find KHV?


    What made you decide to join KHV?

    >Also the cutscenes

    How active are you on the site?

    >Pretty active

    What section or subsection are you most comfortable posting in?

    >RPA, gotta maintain m title

    What KHV event, either discontinued or still running, do you like the most?

    >I guess Castle Oblivion

    What event do you dislike the most?

    >Mafia...JK. There really isn't one

    What is one event idea that you would like to see implemented on KHV?

    >Not any that I can think of

    What are some of your hobbies?

    >Playing video games

    Do you think you’d like to stay on KHV for awhile?


    Why or why not?

    >Long as the RPA lives, I shall be here

    Extra comments:
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Username: C S T A R
    Age: 21
    Join date: 12/19/2008
    How did you find KHV?
    AMV editors using the cutscenes from here
    What made you decide to join KHV?
    The community, mostly around the AMV editors at the time
    How active are you on the site?
    Well, I'm in the rpa, so probably more active than most people.
    What section or subsection are you most comfortable posting in?
    Roleplaying Arena
    What KHV event, either discontinued or still running, do you like the most?
    Top Fives
    What event do you dislike the most?
    Previously? Whatever those wonderland events are. Currently? Probably the KHUX dress up events, though they don't bother me THAT much.
    What is one event idea that you would like to see implemented on KHV?
    Some micro-event type things where you get people to make something creative, maybe to hype up KH3 or something, then the winners get to have their stuff shown on the front page. Like maybe fanart, or someone makes a scarf. I don't know what people do for fun.
    What are some of your hobbies?
    Creative writing, AMV editing, playing video games, singing every once in a while.
    Do you think you’d like to stay on KHV for awhile?
    Why or why not?
    Well, I've gotten this far. Might as well keep going ya know? lol no but seriously, at this point those I talk to actively on KHV are like a family to me, I feel no real reason to just up and leave unless I wanted to be dramatic.
    Extra comments:
    A-are the staff doing alright? I barely see you guys anymore. I see like, two of you. You guys feeling the winter okay? Take care of yourselves.
  4. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Username: KHGr15
    Age: 20
    Join date: 5/21/2012
    How did you find KHV?
    A friend of mine showed me!
    What made you decide to join KHV?
    I was quite curious about it and I've never been a part of a forum so I was like "Why not??"
    How active are you on the site?
    I would say pretty active
    What section or subsection are you most comfortable posting in?
    RPA and Art Section
    What KHV event, either discontinued or still running, do you like the most?
    I like Santa Santa the most! I like making things for my Secret Santa and seeing the joy it brings them!!
    What event do you dislike the most?
    Maybe Wonderland only because I was a little confused by it otherwise not really!!
    What is one event idea that you would like to see implemented on KHV?
    I don't have an idea at the moment! >.<
    What are some of your hobbies?
    Drawing, listening to music, and playing video games!
    Do you think you’d like to stay on KHV for awhile?
    Most Definitely
    Why or why not?
    I made so many new friends and I've learned new things about myself during my 6 years here!
    Extra comments:
    Love you Staff!!! Don't work yourselves too hard!!! >o< (Also sorry Maru-senpi o-o)
  5. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Username: Glen
    Age: 24
    Join date: Jan 19, 2011
    How did you find KHV?
    I used to love watching the KH cutscenes before theater mode was a thing in any of the games, so I used to use this site to watch that. The AMVs drew me in further.
    What made you decide to join KHV?
    The RPA mainly, but also to be a part of a community given at that point I hadn't met a single person in Australia who was a fan of Kingdom Hearts at all.
    How active are you on the site?
    Not terribly right now
    What section or subsection are you most comfortable posting in?
    RPA 110%
    What KHV event, either discontinued or still running, do you like the most?
    I definitely enjoyed RPI the most. It helped me improve as a writer whilst also giving me an enjoyable environment to flex my creative muscles.
    What event do you dislike the most?
    Castle Oblivion, but that's purely because i'm terrible at riddles and am bitter
    What is one event idea that you would like to see implemented on KHV?
    The return of RPI, though I know that's easier said than done
    What are some of your hobbies?
    When not working I tend to mainly play video games, play a little squash (and I do mean only a little) and write
    Do you think you’d like to stay on KHV for awhile?
    Sure, if I felt as comfortable enough to do so
    Why or why not?
    Because it's a pretty great place and has plenty of people on it I enjoy talking to
    Extra comments: The people above me have a twisted sense of date. The 19th and 21st months don't exist guys
  6. SushiKey Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 27, 2017


    Join date:

    How did you find KHV?

    What made you decide to join KHV?
    I've been wanting to play KH for a while, and I pre-joined the site until I could get some way to play the game (which I did in August).

    How active are you on the site?
    Not much on the forums, but quite a bit on the Discord.

    What section or subsection are you most comfortable posting in?
    In the Interests section.

    What KHV event, either discontinued or still running, do you like the most?
    The Royale games. Pretty fun!

    What event do you dislike the most?
    Not really sure, honestly.

    What is one event idea that you would like to see implemented on KHV?
    Can I get back to you on that? I don't really have any ideas at the moment.

    What are some of your hobbies?

    Coding (web development), server administration, playing Overwatch, gaming, anime.

    Do you think you’d like to stay on KHV for awhile?
    Yes! :)

    Why or why not?
    The community is relaxed and nice enough to where I feel comfortable.

    Extra comments: