our flight leaves at 2 so we're sitting here waiting. my dad is so ****ing obnoxious. He's talking on the phone with his boss and for some reason when he talks on the phone he shouts. I'm embarassed to be around him. I'm on edge as it is, I do not need to feel stressed by him. anyway, ill try and take pictures and update this when it's worth updating.
Movies I recommend not watching/to think about before you're about to board a flight: Cast Away Final Destination Flight ...opps
I remember the first time I flew. It wasn't in a plane, it was in a shopping trolley. Very scary experience.
we're there. i enjoyed flying, i thought it was fun. ill update op with wht few pictures i took later.
I don't mind flying, it's the ear popping I hate. I used to bury my head in my t-shirt as I thought that would help somehow. It didn't.
I don't hate flying much at all, it's just the ear parts that I hate. Heck, I don't even feel my ears pop anymore. I just notice that sometimes things sound different then a minute ago. I hate it when it happens every time