Five Year Old Shoots and Kills 2 Year Old Sister

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Sara, May 1, 2013.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.

    Okay, holding back rant here, but...

    WHO IN THE HELL GIVES A FOUR YEAR OLD A RIFLE?! For a birthday gift?! Done now. Alright, I don't believe in kids having guns, but I do live in a hunting state where kids kill deer and such with their family. My mom had a gun growing up and knows how to use them.

    But a four year old, unsupervised with a rifle with bullets. I am sorry, but that is just stupid. And from the article, it's quite popular. "My First Rifle" is the slogan. Oh yeah, and there's been other shootings like this by little kids.

    ... I have no other comments.
  2. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I hope the mother at least gets charged for neglect. Its terrible that she lost her daughter but what she did was beyond stupidity. How can parents think its ok to give their kids a dangerous weapon? If you're gonna give your kid a dangerous weapon you should at least consider the worst case scenario. I doubt this woman did and now a wee lassie has died because of her poor judgement. And how will the wee boy feel when he grows realising he killed his wee sister? Its just too sad.

    And this is about the third time in the past few weeks that a kid has accidently killed someone with a gun. How many people need to die, either intentional or accidental, before the U.S governement take action? They really need to rethink their gun control laws.
  3. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    The problem with the gun control laws is that the NRA practically controls the government. The NRA has massive amounts of power and they dictate who gets elected and who doesn't, if you don't support them, you don't get elected. Hence the reason why there's been no gun laws passed. The last one HAD Sandy Elementary there for God sakes and nothing happened. Even the Tea Party has a huge influence now and they're huge gun fans.

    It is sad, but until we actually start changing who we vote for who isn't there just to get several million dollars and be reelected by factions outside of our control, I don't see it changing.
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I couldn't agree with you more. This is just sad. It's like guns are an addictive drug to the NRA. One peep about guns and they go all apes***.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Can't really say more than what Kitty said. It's atrocious, all of it. And I can't go past a week without America having problems either foreign or domestic based. This has got to be double digits of incidents with a gun i've heard of coming from one country. Kids are dying and it can be avoided. It's appalling for a modern day country.
  6. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    So yet again another killing like this happens tryin quit. Just the fact hearing I got my child a real gun(Not a Nerf gun, and a fake toy cowboy gun. Let me outdo every parent out there and get min a real gun. Yea it'll be great best mom ever!!! F*ck out of here) for their birthday. Trying to wrap my head around this doesn't seem possible at all, and it gets put as accidental.

    I honestly feel the mother should get hit with a homicide for doing this that is just plain crazy. How dare you feel its alright... Wait wait hang on... Alright I'm not from a hunting state so I am not able to see any major gain from giving your child a gun for their birthday, and hey you wanna do that go for it tiger that's all on you. The moment your kid sees it put it away until they are able to get the licence, papers, whatever is needed to own a gun. Go to some shooting rangers, hunt whatever, but like allowing them to just hold onto the gun the moment they open their gift is dumb. At least have it unloaded if you're gonna do all of that.
  7. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I'm from a hunting state and I think it's completely mental. The only people I can really see this happening is the Minnesota Militia which is about as far as this woman is about guns. I don't get this at all, I have a cousin who at five showed very disturbing tendencies in games who lives in a house stockpiled with guns and is getting gun training. I am not kidding, he's 17 though you still wonder the sanity of my aunt.

    I don't get why parents want kids to have guns at such a young age. I don't understand why the government ALLOWS businesses to sell guns to kids these ages. Hell, NRA or not, I'd still have SOME law that says: "You can't have a gun until you're at the age to hunt." The oldest of these shooting incidents is ****ing nine. And the thing is: kids usually don't hunt until they're in their TEENS. Put some damned laws up and screw the NRA for once. The reason the second amendment is up is to have arms against an invasion. Not to have kids killing people under the age of double digits.
  8. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I don't think that you could have a better example of parental neglect. This is horrid. Why on earth would you give a lethal weapon to a young child, leave them alone, and then . . . what . . . not expect something bad to happen? Maybe ten, maybe. A four year old? I feel bad for the poor little girl. This is another example of idiotic mistakes that lead to tragic events.
  9. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010

    I tried to go to their website to marvel at its idyllic pictures but it' s been taken down. Gee, I wonder why.
    Help me KHV, I' m running out of facepalms.
  10. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I have to admit... I love this guy with his dry humor and sarcasm.

    In all seriousness, I am glad they removed the website or at least the kids part. But SIXTY THOUSAND GUNS TO KIDS?! One second...

    *this scene is censored because of all the swearing in it*

    Again, I live in a hunting state. Kids have rifles, but they're at their teens. And trust me, they still manage to SHOOT THEIR OWN BROTHER IN THE CHEST WHEN THEY'RE HUNTING WITH THEM!!! *true story, from a friend of mine who was part of the hunting party* Why in the HELL did they not take it down sooner. That's sheer greed by definition. These kids don't need guns. Hell, my cousin who is a sociopath shouldn't HAVE a gun in his house let alone have TRAINING to use a gun. Yet it happens, there's no laws to prevent this stuff from happening. And dear God...

    It scares me more than the Boston Bombing and 9/11 ever will.